Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

WELCOME TO 2014!! 

this is the beginning of a new year. a new chance. time to pick back up that old instrument. time to regain control of your life. this...this is the time to get it all done. why now? because it's the best time. if you dont do it now then when would you do it. 

my goals are focused on moving things forward. my life. deciding to make better decisions as to what will benefit my future. sure, it sounds selfish. I'm sorry for that but I've come to realize, through quite a bit of help, that I can't help or do anything for anyone else if I don't do anything to help myself. 

as I write this to encourage you, I am sorry I can't divulge all the details as of yet but I'm ready for change & I'm ready to take the leap. I hope that this year brings you lots of joy. hope. peace. adventure. love. && most of all, greater chances to dive head first for your dreams. 

dream big!!