Friday, December 18, 2009

December Update

well, it's been over a month now since i've updated this blog. i got busy and sidetracked and by the end of the day i'm too tired to even think about sitting down and writing out the blog.

since the last post this is a little bit of what has happened: we went to Burlington, VT, i got REALLY sick, we went to Waterville, ME, we had Thanksgiving break and i went to a friend's house in Maine, the day after we got back from break, some of us went to Barrington, NH, my nephew was born, and i got my 2nd sticker on a scripture test! ;) i'll start expounding on each thing i mentioned. first, the Burlington trip. we left from N. Conway, NH @ the Women's Conference and just kept driving. we spent the night @ different home openers and ministered @ the sunday morning service and sunday night youth service. I did get really sick. i had a fever for a few days but never vomited. The swine flu was going around so PC told me that if i still wasn't feeling good the next day to go get checked out. The day we were supposed to go to Waterville, i got sent home because i had a fever. PC wanted me to rest.

The next day, i went to the clinic and they told me that the CDC told them to no longer test for it because it was too expensive. So they said that if someone comes in with the symptoms, than they are going to treat them as if they have it. I was taken to the clinic with a friend of mine from MC and she did have it but i did not! The Dr said that i could have but at this point i only had bronchitis and if i didnt take the antibiotics that she gave me, i would end up with walking pneumonia. so, needless to say, i took the meds & stayed home ALL weekend. i was so happy when i finally got out on monday ;) My Thanksgiving break this year was not spent in PA but in Sanford, ME. My friend Kristen & her family opened their home to me for the whole week of break. We had so much fun just relaxing, watching movies, and playing Apples to Apples.

Our trip to Barrington on sunday was not for ministry. However, that saturday ONE went to do the worship portion of the service. The same speaker was there on sunday so some of us went. His name is Jason Cooper and he is such an amazing man of God. People got healed @ that service! On the 4th of December my little nephew was born. His name is Kaiden William Davis. He was 8lbs 6oz and 19 1/4 inches long. he has sooo much hair and from the pix i've seen he is the most adorable thing! Last week I got another sticker on my scripture test. This past week I passed but by the skin of my teeth!

I am going to PA for my WHOLE Christmas break and i am sooo very excited to see Kaiden and the rest of my family. I miss them all so much...not to mention my church family. i'm totally going to jump on everybody when i see them! :) Our Christmas production @ church is this weekend. Another student and I are running the spotlights and we're getting better and better with each practice. today we have off but tonight is dress rehearsal. the times for "Imagine Christmas" are 7pm on Saturday night and 1030am on Sunday morning. we're so excited because it is a total modern twist on the normal Christmas service. Not to mention our color scheme is an awesome shiny blue and silver! :)

Tuesday is my last day before break. I have already sent out my newsletters and if you didnt get one but would like one please let me know. I'm not sure yet exactly when I am leaving NH for PA but Todd and I are driving down and then on the 2nd of January I am flying back up from PA. I am so stinking excited that i get to stay down there that whole time and catch up with people! :) i will try to update you guys right after Christmas but that all depends on if i remember or not...;p

anyways, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! its gonna be 2010! this is the year i turn 20!? OMGSH time is flying!

Love yas,
Kali <3