Tuesday, July 3, 2012


is that what this was called?! -- summer?!?! lol! its been hot as anything this year & thats no surprise at all. (it seems like it always just gets hotter & hotter) but im not really talking about the weather. im talking about the amount of time. the 'vacation.' 

im not complaining & i hope it doesnt sound like i am. ive enjoyed almost every minute of this break....almost. sure, there have been some bumps in the road but for the most part its been relaxing. its been fun. its been a learning experience. && if anything its been refreshing. you see, i havent spent time in PA like this since the spring of 2009. Thats right...its been 3 years!! i usually come to visit twice a year (Christmas & 1 week in the summer). nothing major but just enough time to catch up, visit, eat, & leave. 

this time has been so different. ive been able to catch up, visit, sleep over, eat, rest, walk, explore, & relax! yep, thats right...those 2 'R' words in there. yeah...im getting the hang of 'em. it hasnt been easy but its coming. throughout the past month & a half i think i have learned more about rest & relationships than i have in the past 6 months. it has definitely been a good time had by all. :) 

i gotta admit though, i will miss everyone. part of me wants to kick myself for coming back & staying so long as to get reattached to people. but in the long run i know it will be a good thing or should i say a "God thing." its funny the things that the Lord uses to teach me. He shows me love & brings to my attention the simplest of things just to express His greatness. its beautiful & this summer has been one big story. i mean from the first week i was here & walked about 9 miles without knowing it to seeing hundreds of teens lives changed at youth camp & 1 very special student go from being an atheist to a born again, Spirit filled, called preacher! (WOOO!) to soaking up every last minute with family & close friends that i wish could just relocate to where i now call home. 

in the end, i understand life was built to keep moving. to move on. to learn. to live. to love. & best of all...to be shared! as this final week comes to an end i am getting more and more excited to return home. to where my heart is content. but im also becoming aware of my goodbyes & the strings that are hanging on for dear life. 

until we meet again. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

it was nice...

it was nice...
    - to see friends that i haven't seen in months
    - to see family that i have only gotten to talk to on the phone
    - to walk around where i grew up (with no agenda)
    - to be adventurous...on my own

as im typing this im thinking about everything that i have to do today & this weekend. packing. unpacking. repacking. organizing. list making. goodbyes. i love yous. see you soons. 

it will be nice...
    - to see friends that i have spent the past 10 months with but havent seen in the last 2 weeks. 
    - to  do something productive 
    - to be busy 
    - to see people that i havent seen since last summer
    - to see God wreck the lives of hundreds of teenagers
    - to connect 

i cant wait for my adventures to come. -- Florida. Youth Camp. Boston. Toronto. Atlanta. Boston. 


--> any questions please ask.: comment. email. call. text. facebook. 


Monday, April 23, 2012


there's nothing quite like attending a service where you're expecting great things to happen. tonight...was one of those nights. some friends of mine and i went to a service one town over from ours. the speaker was someone that we have heard before but we were just anticipating God to do awesome things. 

awesome is an understatement! personally, God confirmed some things in me that i have been praying about. things that i didnt think would ever come to pass. things that only dreamers dream about. && they were just that until tonight....dreams. the Lord has been speaking to me through almost everything that has come up in my life for the past month or so. whether it be a song or a sermon or just in my quiet time with Him. He's answering prayers that i totally did not have the faith for when i prayed them. crazy huh?! 

well. im off to bed. its been a great, relaxing day. i leave friday for Orlando, Fl. :) i have some songs for you to check out. --> For the Honor by Elevation Worship - With Everything by Hillsong United & Oh You Bring by Hillsong United. <-- 


Friday, April 13, 2012

Where has the time gone?!

thank you for asking! :)

to answer you....i dont even know!! -- in exactly one week from now i will be exactly 1 month away from graduating my 3rd year of Masters Commission. WOW!! i will have my bachelor's degree in general ministries. who woulda thunk it?! lol

when i think back to the very beginning of this journey, i would have never imagined that i would be in the position i am in and doing life with the people im doing life with. they are all amazing && i wouldnt trade it for anything. in the midst of all the craziness & busyness of life i have not forgotten where i have come from. i have not ignored the past nor have i let it distract me. the future is my goal and my dreams are the prize.

i cant say that living with 13 other girls is the easiest but it is an experience. a test of patience, endurance, attitude, & grace. these ladies are amazing & they each add an amazing aspect to my life that no one could ever bring. my room is in an attic room. its crazy because im not thrilled about heights but im getting better.

this summer will definitely be a summer of changes. a summer of responsibilities & a summer of beauty. && IM EXCITED!! (more to come later)

something that ive been stretched in recently is my dreams. what are they? sharing them. & embracing them. --> its crazy how such a simple thing can cause such a discomfort. maybe discomfort is a weird word but ive never really been asked to share my dreams with anyone except for once. then, this past week ive been challenged to share them or at least acknowledge them at least 3 times. so i went from once in 3 years to 3 times in 1 week. HELLO!?!?!? needless to say, its crazy! everything from sermons to tweets to statuses to friends asking questions or posing challenges. it kinda makes me nervous when im asked to verbalize/confront/disclose my dreams.

ive never been one to let people in one what was happening on a personal level. thats all different now. but when it comes to something as intimate as my dreams well...thats a little much. ive always been a dreamer. my imagination has always wandered but now, these dreams are God given and for some reason its still kinda difficult to publicize them.

some other things that have been coming up from all directions recently have been: the process & purpose. everywhere i turn these are popping up. "its all part of the process" or "everything involves a process" or "its on purpose" or "its still on purpose" or "you have purpose." ITS EVERYWHERE. but that only means one thing...God sure does know how to get my attention. :) ive been praying for answers and ive been praying for surety. how much more clearer does it have to get?

--> its time for bed. thanks for letting me share & ramble. :) if you have any questions please dont hesitate to comment and ask. oh && Ireland pics will be coming soon! <--


Thursday, March 1, 2012

How's The Weather?!

good question...funny you should ask. :)

ITS SNOWING!! it's been snowing since last night. We had off today because we thought it would get bad. & it did. im not quite sure how much we've gotten but it still hasnt stopped. oh & since we had off that meant i could sleep in. which also means that i had the privilege of sleeping in. sleeping in for me usually means 8a. today, sleeping in meant 1p!! :D i decided to post some pix of the amazing white stuff!! my room actually has a view that reminds me of a picture that my grandparents used to have.

(^from the ground to here = 14 inches)

(the cars out front\/)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

in search of the perfect flats

ok. some of you may or may not understand what im about to tell you...especially if you know me at all! lol!! for the past week ive been searching for the perfect pair of flats. not just any pair of flats but the perfect pair! ive been on almost every shoe website known to the US! LOL! anyways, my problem came when stores dont carry over a size 9. yes, i am a size 11! so tonight...i was on my last leg. i couldnt stand the wait anymore. i was about to cave in on a pair of flats that i didnt really like but just thought that i wouldnt find anything better. (i was on a budget too!)

so tonight. i discovered that i missed a website. deb.com!! :) Deb's became my favorite store last summer and i totally forgot about it. sohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif tonight i found 3 pairs of flats...THE PERFECT ONES!! although...one pair...they were sold out of my size. so...now im down to 2 pairs! :D below are the links...if you dont mind...please check them out && let me know which ones you think would go best with everything that i own. if you dont know me that well...its okay because chances are, you know enough to make an educated guess! :D



Thank you!!,
Kali L. Mock. <3

Friday, January 6, 2012

this year...definitely seems like new.

welcome to the new year! yes, i know im late. this year has definitely already brought some different things. sure...with each new year brings new things. new experiences. new thoughts. && definitely new things to do.

today seems like any other day off. absolutely nothing to do. but in all reality, it is not normal. its different. its different than last friday because im no longer in Pennsylvania. its different than next friday because im not sure what next friday will bring. its not that i feel older but its the simple fact of knowing that things just arent going to be the same.

some would rather keep things the way they always were. me...well...i want things to be WAY different! im ready for new things. im ready for new adventures. im ready for new experiences. im just ready for things to be like nothing they ever were!

this may sound crazy and this may sound far fetched but this. is. me. im expecting greater things this year. im praying for new things. im praying for God dreams. im praying to be led by more than my mind & emotions. im ready to be whole-heartedly led by the Spirit of God. it is by this & only this that all of these new things will come. -- who's with me? --

~:~:~: out with the old & in with the new :~:~:~
--> Kali <--