Thursday, November 28, 2013

I'm thankful....

I'm thankful for my family
I'm thankful for my Jesus & the blood that he shed so I could be His
I'm thankful that I have friends that care
I'm thankful that I'm not alone in this world no matter how much I may feel like I am
I'm thankful that my tears don't fall in vain
I'm thankful for a Heavenly Father that makes up for every last bit of pain & disappointment 
I'm thankful that the only title I ever have to live up to is "Daughter"
I'm thankful for the mentors God has given me; whether or not they know that they are 
I'm thankful for a family that let's me live in their house until I'm financially stable 
I'm thankful that I do not have to spend this day alone 
I'm thankful that there is always room for improvement 
I'm thankful for a decent job
I'm thankful for life
I'm thankful for my fuzzy blanket & my jean jacket
I'm thankful for my car 
I'm thankful for my phone & my music
I'm thankful that my boldness no longer is buried deep within 

-- my heart is overwhelmed with things that I am thankful for, as you can see. tonight I needed to vent. I remembered this page existed at one point. my heart...happy. my life...blessed. my eyes...full of tears. 

-- they must be tears of joy you say? sure...we can say that. but that's not all. joy. pain. happiness. disappointment. hurt. confusion. do I enjoy that? no! of course not. but I can't help the way I feel. I don't even know why. I'm a human. a young woman with a heart that beats & a mind that races. a voice that carries loudly & a laugh that follows suit. I'm strong yet broken. I'm whole but full of holes. 

-- my life is a battle. && right now it's raging. this day is spent with friends & families. both of which I have. this night is spent with movies & stories. both of which I have. right now is full of unloading. unloading the weight that I feel. the weight of hurt. of confusion. of annoyance. of tears that need to come out but my own stupid pride holds them in. 

-- yes, in the midst of my ranting & raving my thankfulness does not change because I am real & my heart is an open vault that sometimes can not contain it's bounty any longer. 

Happy Thanksgiving!