Friday, December 2, 2011

New Doo. :)

--> one of the girls curled my hair 2 days ago. here are some pix. i REALLY like it. hoping to make it semi-permanent soon ;)

You Are God Alone

--> this is Rory Comtois. i have loved this song for such a long time but recently, it has become more of a strength for me. a reminder. reality. beauty. life. passion. & victory.

Friday, November 25, 2011


i hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. mine was spent in VT. with snow on the ground!!! :) today, Black Friday, im spending the day inside with some friends & a whole lot of Christmas movies. today is the day for food coma #2! :] i hope everyone has a great week. 26 more days until Pennsylvania sees my pretty face. && i cant wait to see everyone! well...gotta go. Cool Runnings is on :}

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Grandparent's Day Essay Contest

--> please click on the link above and vote for my essay. thanks :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday Mornin'

*this post was composed last wednesday...morning ;)*

that would be today...mmmm....right.....
--> im just kidding ;) -- i really do have things to say. they may not make sense but afterall, whose blog is this anywayz? (LOL)

--> well, im already 2 weeks into the summer. the weather is beautiful & i love my job. im looking for a 2nd part time job so hopefully everything @ Ruby Tuesday's works out ;) im sure you would like to know what else ive been up to...i guess you could say a little bit of everything. last week was full of randomness & lots of ice cream! ;) hours at work are fluctuating. i havent really gone anywhere yet besides Mrs. Tammy's & wherever she goes :D

--> ok so as i am writing this i went to go prop my feet up & cross my legs. while doing so i forgot about my massive bruise! its been there for about 3 weeks now. i was carrying in some things for the thrift store & i knew our flat bed cart was there but i didnt clear it like i thought i had; shin hit the corner square in the middle :( it shocked me at first but then turned really gnarly colors & now its yellowish with a red line where i hit it. its kinda shiny like most bruises do when theyre swollen. its kinda funny because you can see an indent where the swelling is not...LOL

--> sorry, minor ADD moment ;) ive been busy planning my sister's graduation party. my little sister!! her & i are only 3 years apart (shes kinda like MY 'little girl') && i love her so much. she is graduating high school 1 year early!!! GO LEXII!!! shes been helping me along the way && im so glad i can do this for her ;) here's a picture of my little girl, all grown up, in her senior pictures!

**added tonight***

--> i was actually at her graduation & her graduation party. when i originally wrote this post, i could not mention my plans because it was all a surprise for her! :D good news...i was able to surprise her & enjoy her special day with her!!

--> i will probably update again tomorrow with things coming up & how everything is looking these days...stay tuned!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Will Reagan & United Pursuit - Find My Own Flame

--> listen to this song. listen to the words crazy close. get lost in them. get lost in the message. let God show you the "real thing!" <--

Friday, April 29, 2011

old revelation - new perspective {in the park}

so last year God showed me something totally amazing about child-like faith. ever since then my eyes have kinda been more open to the way children act and then the way we, as adults, act; especially with our faith or our attitude towards God. Thus...i LOVE watching people...ALL THE TIME! :D

anyways, today we went to the park for prayer and a little bit of time outside for lunch. during prayer i was listening to my ipod, journaling, praying, & watching. as i looked to my right i could see two little boys (maybe 3 years old) running around in the open grass. then one of them jumped up on the summer stage and kind of walked over to where two of our guys were sitting. then he ran around on the stage for a bit then walked right over in between the both of them and walked down the steps. i could do nothing but laugh because the little boy was totally oblivious. seeing how his friend made out, the other boy did the same thing, this time he walked on the outside of where one of the guys was sitting. again, he didnt care.

he didnt care who was watching. he didnt care what other people thought. he didnt care what stood (or sat) in his way, he was gonna get to where he wanted to go. those boys didnt care how high the jump was from the stage to the grass. they were totally unhindered. they were free!

i then looked down @ my journal and decided that anything i had written didnt really hold a candle to what i just saw with my eyes. i turned everything i had just seen into something could be realized in my own life. how do we act when we are in the presence of a stranger vs. how we act when we are in the presence of our Daddy God???

do we care? do we care who sees when we worship our God? do we let obstacles stand in our way? do we jump no matter how high it is? do we care what the cost is? do we depend on the conditions to determine our worship?

--> these are just some questions that i took from my view in the park today. ask yourself these questions. do they ring true in your life? are you living out your faith like a child? child like faith is beautiful.

~learning to be like a child again~

Thursday, April 21, 2011

bunny = Jesus?!?

Easter is this Sunday.
WE signify Easter w. a bunny.
Easter is about Jesus.
Since when did the bunny represent Jesus??

think about this. leave a comment. share your thoughts. thats the best part!

--> this week as we have visited the stepping stones that led Jesus to the cross i have realized that it was more than just His destiny. it took more than the average "it's time now." it took courage, strength, and a will power that only God Himself could have instilled in Jesus.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Youth Convention 2011

ive been asked a few times this weekend what my favorite part of youth convention was. my question following that question is; do i have to have one? so many things happened and youth convention, for me, is always a blast! but this year...

i got to do the best job EVER! (stage camera) i explained it this way to someone - i got to see things that other people couldn't. God used that little video camera to show me exactly what He loves. it was beautiful...& so indescribable. i got to see hundreds of teens and leaders be hit by the power of God and i got to see some students realize for the first time that even though their earthly father didn't exist, they had a heavenly father that wanted to give them EVERYTHING! the reason my job was the best ever is because i got to attempt to show everyone else what i was seeing. i got to catch it all through a lense to be projected onto a massive screen for all to see.

it wasnt easy and not all of what i saw did everyone else see but the things that i saw will forever be remembered. i mean, its not every day that you get to talk about being paid in mints and watching as teens receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit all in one night. (not at the same time i might add)

i was asked by someone if i was still blogging. that was a loaded question. i still blog. just not as much as i would like to. i journal ALL the time and post most of what i write on facebook. blogging just isnt a top priority...i mean, why would it be when i can update my facebook status by text message and say what i need to at any time instead of having to wait to write it all out. but then again, isnt that the point. for it all to be written out for others to understand?!

im going to try to stay on top of things. its april already....lets start there! ;D

ponder on this for a minute: God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac -> God asked him to give up what he was promised. would you do it? not only would you do it but would you do it without arguing? Abraham did. he went all the way to the point of putting Isaac on the alter when God made a ram appear. God knew what He was doing....oh, and He still does!

until next time,

Friday, April 15, 2011


This is gonna be a quick post but mostly just to say hi and to let everyone know that once i get my computer fixed...i will start blogging more. i have written some stuff on paper but after a bit of unknown encouragement im gonna start putting up on the blog.

this weekend is NNED youth convention. my 3rd one!! :D wow, its crazy to think that i've been here for 2 full years. well. gotta go get dinner. gotta be back for service soon :)

much love and i'll be back later.

- kali

Friday, January 28, 2011


its been snowing quite a bit here in New Hampshire. Quite amazing actually. To just sit and watch the snow fall and be able to see how beautiful it makes everything.

It has been REALLY cold! last week it was in the double digit negatives. that is crazy! I am still working at McDonald's. Its fun and the people i work with are pretty cool. Every time i work im amazed at the opportunity i am given to show them Jesus. makes me smile actually.

two weeks ago we had Day In The Life here at NEMC. sooo much fun and God just totally did what He wanted. Jason Lee Jones and the Richest of Fare led worship for us on friday night and sunday morning and then on monday morning they led worship for prayer. They are amazing and i am so glad that we had the opportunity to spend some time with them while they were here.

We are getting ready to go to Massachusetts on the 6th of February to a church that we have been to before. They are going to be starting a masters commission there in the fall and we are sooo excited to be able to help them out. Then, on the 10th of February we all leave on our bus for Texas!! There will be some stops on the way, of course. We are leaving NH on the 10th and then it will go like this: DC, TN, TX, AR, DC, NH. There may be some stops added to this but im not totally sure yet.

so, on a more personal basis, i slept in until 10a this morning. yeah, that never happens!! its pretty cool because i just really wanted the rest today.

flashing back to Christmas time...i was able to go to Pennsylvania for Christmas and it was a blast. Seeing everyone that i have not seen since the summer. i got to spend some amazing time w. my mom, her boyfriend and my sisters and my little nephew!! he's getting sooo big and oh so adorable. my mom and baby sister had no idea i was coming for Christmas so my middle sister snuck me in the house at 530a and sat me under the tree with a bag over my head and a ribbon and a bow on top of my head. my mom cried a little and my baby sister took about 5 minutes to realize exactly what was happening. they were shocked and I WON! :)

well, this is all thats been going on recently or gonna be going on soon. i know i fail at this whole blog thingy...there are just some things that slip my mind. :)

peace out cub scouts,
Kali L. Mock
--> questions, comments, concerns?? email me @