Friday, December 18, 2009
December Update
since the last post this is a little bit of what has happened: we went to Burlington, VT, i got REALLY sick, we went to Waterville, ME, we had Thanksgiving break and i went to a friend's house in Maine, the day after we got back from break, some of us went to Barrington, NH, my nephew was born, and i got my 2nd sticker on a scripture test! ;) i'll start expounding on each thing i mentioned. first, the Burlington trip. we left from N. Conway, NH @ the Women's Conference and just kept driving. we spent the night @ different home openers and ministered @ the sunday morning service and sunday night youth service. I did get really sick. i had a fever for a few days but never vomited. The swine flu was going around so PC told me that if i still wasn't feeling good the next day to go get checked out. The day we were supposed to go to Waterville, i got sent home because i had a fever. PC wanted me to rest.
The next day, i went to the clinic and they told me that the CDC told them to no longer test for it because it was too expensive. So they said that if someone comes in with the symptoms, than they are going to treat them as if they have it. I was taken to the clinic with a friend of mine from MC and she did have it but i did not! The Dr said that i could have but at this point i only had bronchitis and if i didnt take the antibiotics that she gave me, i would end up with walking pneumonia. so, needless to say, i took the meds & stayed home ALL weekend. i was so happy when i finally got out on monday ;) My Thanksgiving break this year was not spent in PA but in Sanford, ME. My friend Kristen & her family opened their home to me for the whole week of break. We had so much fun just relaxing, watching movies, and playing Apples to Apples.
Our trip to Barrington on sunday was not for ministry. However, that saturday ONE went to do the worship portion of the service. The same speaker was there on sunday so some of us went. His name is Jason Cooper and he is such an amazing man of God. People got healed @ that service! On the 4th of December my little nephew was born. His name is Kaiden William Davis. He was 8lbs 6oz and 19 1/4 inches long. he has sooo much hair and from the pix i've seen he is the most adorable thing! Last week I got another sticker on my scripture test. This past week I passed but by the skin of my teeth!
I am going to PA for my WHOLE Christmas break and i am sooo very excited to see Kaiden and the rest of my family. I miss them all so much...not to mention my church family. i'm totally going to jump on everybody when i see them! :) Our Christmas production @ church is this weekend. Another student and I are running the spotlights and we're getting better and better with each practice. today we have off but tonight is dress rehearsal. the times for "Imagine Christmas" are 7pm on Saturday night and 1030am on Sunday morning. we're so excited because it is a total modern twist on the normal Christmas service. Not to mention our color scheme is an awesome shiny blue and silver! :)
Tuesday is my last day before break. I have already sent out my newsletters and if you didnt get one but would like one please let me know. I'm not sure yet exactly when I am leaving NH for PA but Todd and I are driving down and then on the 2nd of January I am flying back up from PA. I am so stinking excited that i get to stay down there that whole time and catch up with people! :) i will try to update you guys right after Christmas but that all depends on if i remember or not...;p
anyways, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! its gonna be 2010! this is the year i turn 20!? OMGSH time is flying!
Love yas,
Kali <3
Monday, November 9, 2009
here it is...
two weeks ago i got a sticker on my scripture test which means i got 100%!!! it was my first one. this past week i didnt pass so yesterday i had to stay after church and retake my test @ 1p and then study til 5p. that study time helped so i could get my SAGU work done and now any study time i have this week will go toward scriptures and my sermon...i'm preaching youth this week ;) last time i preached youth i didn't think it was that good but Edgar said it was my best one yet. Edgar is in my preaching group with 3 other people. We preach in front of each other each week along with a 3rd year who listens to all the sermons for a specific topic. There's youth, topical, expository, practical, and teaching.
this week we have off tuesday and a late in on wednesday. thursday is a regular day but some of us are leaving around noon to head up to N. Conway for women's convention. we're "working" the convention and doing dance and drama. i am REALLY looking forward to this weekend and what the rest of the weeks ahead have in store for me. i love where im @ right now and wouldnt trade it for anything! ;)
i love you all & to all my people back in PA...i REALLY miss you guys! my phone is always on...dont forget it! :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Made it home!
I must say its nice to be home but i do already miss our GA and AL families! :) we start a busy month 2morow. i will update with bits and pieces from the trip as the week goes on...promise! ;)
Friday, October 16, 2009
we are staying @ Rory & Michelle's house tonight and then we are going somewhere else to stay for the rest of the week. Michelle is Mrs. Patty's sister and Rory is her husband, he leads worship @ Free Chapel...they live in Gainesville, GA! :)
Anywayz, im just poppin in to say that we made it...i will try to continue updating throughout the week but im not sure if i'll get service everywhere we go. i forgot my camera so pix will not be available from me for this trip ;( last night on the bus i got a total of 4.5 hrs of sleep. i ended up with a bruise on the side of my left leg from the booth bin that my leg was resting against while i "slept."
God moved on that bus last night after we finished our scriptures and we all got something out of it. I am majorly excited for this trip and everything that God is going to do with/through and in us. This is only the beginning.
love you all
Monday, October 12, 2009
longer than i thought
this week we are taking our sermon tests and preaching on the bus ride. PC is driving and we're driving straight through. its about 22 hours and its gonna be CRAZY! on sunday we did a drama that SMC did last year at youth convention; its called "The Battle Rages On." we incorporated all the 1st years and so now its more hectic, eye catching, and powerful! :) here's the link: just picture that with 16 more people!
well im gonna go to bed but i will try to update more with pictures of my fellow MC friends! :) i love you all and please feel free to leave in a bit of a rut where im really missing people from home...(even people that aren't here anymore)
much love blogosphere!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
you know what time it is?
ok, i'll tell you! ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! well...its my birthday 2morow, the 25th of September. i'm so excited but on the other hand im not. as some of you know, there are going to be 2 people that im going to miss tremendously but its okay. im in a place surrounded by people that love me & care for me.
i got my first card today! :) (thanks Judy Kephart!) 2morow i have off! (thank you Jesus!) going to dinner with Todd but i'm trying to find something to do during the day. im going to be 19 but i feel extra old!! just because im watching my sisters grow up sooo fast. one is 16 and the other is 11 now!! CRAZINESS!!!
ok well i'm on lunch right now but i have to go and get ready to keep dramatizing! its soooo awesome!
have a good day world!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
im sooo sorry it has taken me so long to update (2 weeks!) i've been wicked busy and oh so tired! not to mention i had some issues with my computer that i REALLY don't want to talk about...Missy(my computer) might get upset @ me. ;)
anyways, im still surviving. we're working like crazy on our dramas and stuff because in a few weeks we're supposed to be going to Georgia! (fingers crossed) its not totally definite yet but we're praying it happens. it will be our first ministry trip. we took a trip to Washington D.C. on the 6th and returned on the 13th. we were staffing an event planning seminar type thing. we had a day off on thursday so we went to visit some of the sights. i had been there twice before but it seemed way different this time. we had fun!
the best part about a trip like that was the bus ride! especially the way back; shayna, kim, and i kept PC (Pastor Chad) awake. we laughed a lot...mostly because we were EXTRA tired! we left DC @ 3a and we got home @ about 430ish. only the first years and a select few of the 2nd & 3rd years returned. everyone else stayed in DC to work a show for the Air Force. we missed them so much and when they got home it definitely showed!
we had a weird week this past week...the DC people came home wednesday night before Ignite and then thursday we had off because friday we had to go to Scarborough, ME to help out with a youth event called UNITEmaine. saturday was supposed to be a chill day until about 4p then there was a wedding @ church we were all invited to. then, after the event on friday, PC texted us and said that he wanted us at the church by 830a. none of us knew what we were going to be doing but that didn't matter.
we got there like any other day but this time we were all REALLY curious. we had morning prayer and then PC wanted to talk to us for a bit. it was almost like he was preaching to us but it was mixed with a talk. i almost thought it was odd because there was no introduction as to why but he just started talking and then soon i understood. it almost seemed like he was "all over the place" with the points he was making but they all made sense in a way. it hit me hard!
in order to understand why i just said what i said, let me fill you in. over the past week, ive been feeling a little out of sorts. not so much physically but emotionally and i wasn't sure why. i felt like i had to talk to somebody about the way i was feeling but on the other hand, i had no idea what to say or how to go about it. therefore, i didnt talk to anybody. then my friend told me to take that confusion to God and let Him help me because He already knows how i feel. so i tried as hard as i could to give it over to Him. by the time saturday morning came, i was slowly coming around to understanding myself and what PC said to us was hitting me where i needed it most; my heart!
then last night was the wedding. it was sooo beautiful! (i cried...& i dont cry) the whole set up and ceremony was beautiful and then the party was sooo fun!! Todd took me out to dinner @ this local mexican place and then i came back for the dancing because none of the 1st years were invited to the reception but Ken said he wanted us to come and party w. we did! :) then this morning was church. we showed up by 830a like we do every week for prayer & Jesus totally showed up and set a standard. not only for today's service but for the way we are to go after Him. church was amazing! worship was amazing (i cried-again!) then PJ(Pastor Jeff) preached like it was the last sermon we would ever was good!
you may have noticed that in some parentheses throughout this blog i mentioned that i cried. to some people that might seem weird and you might be thinking "okay, why would she put that out there?" well, to me, it matters. im not a crying person and most people that know me know that. i have a hard time showing my emotions in front of people...its a weakness thing. but im learning how to "break." im learning how to approach God with a brokenness so that i can let Him work in my heart and life. its gonna be hard but i am soo ready for it!
well, right now i have to study because tomorrow i have my first SAGU test and then this week was already forewarned as being "really busy!" alls i can say is: BRING IT ON! we have to work really hard on some dramas because next weekend we're going to Windham, ME to minister so we have to be on top of out stuff.
before i go, i wanna make a shout out to all my family & friends in PA. i miss and love you all! i may not have time to talk but i just wanted to let you all know that i haven't forgotten about you and that i REALLY do miss all of you! this goes to all of my blood relatives and church family! XOXO
Friday, September 4, 2009
where to start??
On monday we had to sign in by 845a. at 12ish, we were on the road for Keratunk, ME. Our first trip on the bus was to go white-water rafting. This trip was considered our "opening retreat" and it was so amazing. we stayed in little bunk cabins on monday night because we weren't due to go rafting until tuesday.
monday night we had a service in this attic of an arcade. except it didnt look like an attic, it was carpeted w. 2 window A/C units and bench seating. the service was amazing! it was a time for us to get together, pray, & worship God with our whole hearts. that, my friend, is definitely what happened. Our director, Pastor Chad (PC), told us that it was our time to make our hearts like a funnel and allow God to pour Himself out on us. when i tell you it was amazing, i mean it! sometime later, PC asked all of the 1st years to come up to the front and told us that it was our turn to receive.
a few minutes later, PC came up and placed his hands on my shoulders to pray for me. he started praying and i couldn't stand anymore. God's presence filled that place that night and as i lay on the floor, not able to move, i realized that i was in the right place. that this is where God wanted me. i also discovered some things that i needed to work on. OMGSH! God is sooo good! :)
tuesday we went rafting and it was soo fun! i have never been white-water rafting but i've always wanted to. there were some wicked rapids where we all got wet. then there were spots where we could get out of the raft and float/swim for a bit. we could only do that until our guide said "ok come back!" then they would pull us back into the boat by the shoulder straps of our vests. everytime i went to get pulled back into the boat, my vest would come up over my head! it was so annoying but one of the 2nd years thought it was funny; i'm glad i could make her laugh! :)
we arrived back to the camp @ about 230p and then had our covenant service @ about 4p. the covenant service was a time that we got together and the 3rd years shared with us what it meant to have this covenant and that no matter what happens, we are all gonna be family. in short, the covenant just stated that in these next 9-10 months we will not put anything higher than God and that we would not have an intimate relationship with anyone other than Him. that means no dating; which, i knew about & wasn't planning on doing anyway.
after our covenant service was over, we drove the 4 hours back to the church. on wednesday, we had to be in by 930a. that was awesome because i was tired! :) we started drama practice and i'm in a drama called "Hear Me" the song is by Kelly Clarkson. its fun but omgsh my thigh muscles are KILLING me!
yesterday, thursday, we studied a lot did drama and got introduced to some of the other things that we were going to be doing on a weekly basis. these things included sermon internalization and scripture memorization. we are going to be having a scripture test every week except for once a month and that's when we do our newsletters. sermon internalization is where we prepare a sermon based on one of our memorized scriptures and whichever group we're in. there are 5 different groups that determine the focus of your sermon.
as far as the memorization goes, im kind of doing a little nervous though. i haven't started my internalization yet though and that's due by thursday. i think i'll do okay on that too. today is friday...our day off!!! :) tomorrow we go apple picking, sunday is church, and monday morning @ 5a we leave for DC. we're going to be working a microsoft show. as for right now im so glad just to be able to relax.
i love you guys and i will try to keep you more updated so its not as much but ive been so busy and tired this past week.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Close Enough
alls i really wanna do is relax downtown or at prescott park and do absolutely nothing...maybe even just sleep for about 2 hours longer than normal but in reality i know that wont happen. on friday night @ church there is a lock-in. i've always wanted to go to one and now is my chance. my only dilemma is the simple fact that saturday morning i have orientation @ 10a. the lock-in is from 6p on friday night to 8a the next morning. if i did go i would just take all of my MC stuff with me and then i won't have to worry about bringing it the next day, let alone going home @ 8a and coming back @ 10a. on the other hand, i have a feeling that it would be just too much rushing around for me to do thats all. just trying to work it out. tonight @ youth group we just had a chill night. ken went over some scheduled events and then they talked about G5 (Element79?) and some other crucial ministry things. he also brought some things to my attention about MC that i didnt know about yet. there are some things that i have to look forward to in just the next few weeks; Aug. 31-Sept. 1st: White Water Rafting...Sept. 5th: Apple Picking...Sept. 6th-13th: DC Microsoft Show...October 2nd-3rd: Youth & Young Adult Retreat...Tuesday Nights: Evangelising.
so, needless to say, i will be a pretty busy lady come this sunday but i will make an effort to keep my blog updated so all of you readers out there will know what im up to. please leave a comment on what you would like me to keep you updated on the most. i love you all
Sunday, August 16, 2009
faster & faster
i mean, dont get me wrong...ive experienced things in my life that have called me to be more mature than i wanted to be but now that ive come to the correct time to be grown, i dont want to. im confident that God wants me here so i must leave it all up to Him to show me what He wants me to see. i have a feel on some of the stuff that we are doing already as well as my first scheduled class. we are going white water rafting for our opening retreat on 8/31 than we're going to DC for a microsoft show the 1st week of September. towards the end of the year, we're planning on going on a missions trip to Haiti! how cool is that?! anywayz, its gonna be intense. my first class is going to be OT Hermaneutics.
as far as i go, im okay i guess. today was an okay day...i hurt my back and was still moving stuff from our upstairs apartment downstairs to our new apartment. its way better than taking stuff up but it still hurt my back. then we finished for the day around 6p and just relaxed for a bit until going to Panera w. Miranda for dinner. my back has been spasming ever since we got back from dinner and then i moved the wrong way and popped my shoulder out...ugh!
this morning i was having a "Pop" moment: a time where something clicks in my head that reminds me about Pop and i cry for a minute & then suck it up. i just miss him thats all. i know, its going to sound redundant but its so true. ive got so much going on and for the past week ive found myself sitting around wanting to call someone. i would call him and just talk for a bit about nothing and id usually get frustrated because he would ask me over and over again if i wanted something that he had or if i needed anything. but now i wish i could hear that again.
during the weekend i miss my grandmom. i would call her at least once every weekend just to see how she was feeling or how Bingo went the weekend before. we would just talk and the conversation usually didnt last past 5-10 minutes because i wouldnt know what else to say but it was nice to talk to her and hear her voice because she lived so far away. that is what i miss most about my Gram...just hearing her voice. heck...that's what i miss most about both of them...just being able to call whenever and hear their voice!
i dont know when this feeling will ever go away or even if it will but i dont ever wanna forget them. im not really sure how i will feel come orientation and my opening ceremony. my mom & sisters will be here along w. Todd & Tammi but i still just wish that my grandparents could be there or that i could send/show them pictures later. the rest of my family would be there, im sure, if they could but they have a foundation event in memory of my little cousin, Billy, who died 2 years ago.
i know the next two weeks will fly and my emotions will be on edge and i will be rushing around making sure all my things are together and im not missing/forgetting anything. but that doesn't mean that i cant stay focused. like i said earlier, God has placed me in this position for a reason and i intend on chasing that. "...for such a time as this." the Bible says and thats exactly what this is.
well...its after 12a on 8/16 in Portsmouth, NH and i should really go to bed right now because i have church in the AM and then we finish moving! im tired but im not...oh well...sleep is a good thing. good night all. updates will come as the 29th gets closer and closer.
much love
Thursday, August 6, 2009
"Lost Generation" - a backwards poem
"Lost Generation"
START: I am part of a lost generation and I refuse to believe that I can change the world
FINISH: But I can change the world and refuse to believe that I am part of a "Lost Generation"
I realize this may be a shock but
"Happiness comes from within"
is a lie, and
"Money will make me happy"
So in 30 years I will tell my children
they are not the most important thing in my life
my employer will know that
I have my priorities straight because
Is more important than
I tell you this
Once upon a time
families stayed together
but this will not be true in my era
this is a quick fix society
Experts tell me
30 years from now I will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of my divorce
I do not concede that
I will live in a country of my own making
In the future
Environmental destruction will be the norm
No longer can it be said that
My peers and I care about this earth
It will be evident that
My generation is apathetic and lethargic
It is foolish to presume that
There is hope.
And all of this will become true unless we choose to reverse it.
--> Go ahead; pass it on, share it with someone...i double-dog dare you! :)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Birthday Wishes
today is the 70th birthday of the greatest guy i have ever met in my whole life. i know, i're probably saying right now; "what does she know, she's only 18!" well, the truth is that i may know more about what i'm saying than anyone else. this man truly is the greatest guy i have ever met and will ever meet. he's my Poppy/Poop-Poop/Pop. no man can ever measure up to my standards if i were to base them solely on my grandfather.
you see, i love him and i will always love him; no matter how far down the road i go. of course its gonna be hard but im gonna make it. i know it may sound so weird coming from me because he was 'only' my grandfather but that is the farthest thing from the truth. he raised me up to be the woman i am today. everything i do, i know how to do it because he showed me how. those dayz of me asking him questions are over and now all's i have are pictures and memories which i pray will never leave me.
im writing this right now because im just so overwhelmed. for about the past week and a half ive been thinking about how id react to this day. ive kinda been dreading its arrival. if i was back in PA, id be waiting up til midnight with my mom and probably getting ready to go to his grave site. or...if he was still alive, no matter where i was, id be waiting up til midnight to pick up the phone and call him as soon as those hands on the clock came together. so now, im writing this @ 1116p; just waiting til midnight. i can't call him or go see him when i want but i sure can wish i could!
theres so many things that have happened so far this year that he's missed and i just wish i could pick up the phone like i used to and call him to tell him or just call him when i was feeling lonely...heck, i would just call him to hear the sound of his voice. done because im crying way too much to keep telling it like it is. like i said, im writing this @ 1122p on 7/30 but it won't be posted until 12a on Friday July 31st, 2009.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
New Look!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
'A More Beautiful You'
this is a song & video by a Christian recording artist. His name is Jonny Diaz (pronounced die-az). His brother plays for the Atlanta Braves. Jonny was on his way to a baseball career until God showed him his greater talent; the guitar!
Summary: This song tells a story of a little girl who wants to look like a magazine model. What she doesn't realize is that the models inside that magazine aren't all what they're cracked up to be. In the middle of the video it shows the photo editing process. I knew it happened but in this video it just really shows how everything isn't what its cracked up to be. The 2nd verse of the song is speaking to a 21-year old. It's saying that she's been through things that made her who she's become today and that she doesn't have to live that way anymore.
Check it out and pass it on if you know somebody who may need it. ITS GOOD! ;)
p.s.: im back in NH and have been here since monday night @ about 10p. its been rainy here but other than that im soo glad to be home. MC starts on August 29th! thats exactly 1 month and 5 days from right now :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
what's new?!
well...i'm still in PA. I'm planning on returning to NH by Monday. Little Nathan has come thru surgery and there are full updates @ his mommy's blog (
i got contacts on tuesday!! its soo awesome to be able to see without having glasses on! :) i went shopping yesterday and picked up some safety shirts and some cute clothes for when i start Master's in the fall. well, not really the fall. my orientation is August 29th...that is exactly 1 month and 1 day from right now!!! im soooo excited, i cant wait.
my Gram's funeral was last friday morning @ 11am. it was weird to see some people because for the last 6 months it seems that we only would see each other @ a funeral. first my grandfather's in january and now my grandmother's in july. ironically enough, they both died on the same day and their funeral was on the same day; the 5th and 10th. {freaky huh?!}
being in PA this time hasn't been as crazy as last time because i know when im going home. i miss all of my friends back in NH but this time we've been texting a lot more. last time i would text but they wouldnt get it...i found out later it was user error! ;)
upon my return to NH i will be bringing with me the rest of my belongings along with an inherited doll and a bunch of beanie babies. all of which i have gotten from my Gram. i miss her soo much and for the past 6 months i have been waiting for the day to come but i never thought it would. its just sooo hard for me because im still grieving over my Pop's death and now theyre both gone. the two staples in my family and now theyre gone. it's rough but Jesus is my rock and will continue to be through everything.
i wanna thank everyone who has helped support me through these tough times. i REALLY can't express enough gratitude to truly portray how i feel. THANK YOU!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Vacation Buddies & So Much More

^Gram w. 3 oldest granddaughters^
yes, we were not only vacation buddies but we were family. 2 weeks every summer was spent enjoying the sun together. Whether we were in Chincoteague, VA, Centreville, MD, or Pigeon Forge, TN...we were together.
this person was my grandmother. like my grandfather; she was one of the bestest friends i could have ever had. I would call her every weekend just to catch up and see how she was doing. I would see her on every major holiday and for 2 weeks every summer. most times we didnt go anywhere special we just hung out. i would help her do tasks at work like vacuuming the sanctuary, folding bulletins, cleaning bathrooms, stuffing envelopes or bulletins and just being with her.
on July 5th she passed away. the last time i spoke with her or saw her was on June 20th. she was sick and she fought the best she could. my mom, sisters, and i all went down to her home in MD to see her and show her my diploma and some pictures from my graduation. she was tired yet, she asked us to stay. so, we did and gave her a hug and kiss the next day before we left.
i continued to call and speak to my aunt (Gram's sister) just to see if anything had changed; nothing ever did. she slept a lot and her body was getting tired. we knew the day would eventually come but its still so hard to accept. i mean, in 6 months i go from having both grandparents then just one and now none. it all just happens so fast that no one person can ever be fully prepared.

^Gram & I: October 1990^
on thursday july 9th, i will be going back down to PA for another week. i will arrive at my destination EARLY friday morning. im unsure of the definite service times but i do know that i will definitely be there. Gram, Grammy, Aunt Pat...every name that she had; fit! i love her and will always miss my Grammy!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
what i didnt post last night...
last night was youth group. i havent been there in 2 weeks and i was oober excited to get back and see some of my friends. i even surprised somebody who i was texting the night i landed ;) she was totally surprised! anywayz, i love youth group. i know, i 18 and starting a higher education in the fall but i've still got a young soul and a heart for teens.
youth group itself starts at 630p but most teens show up before that and hang out in the teen center. well we started with worship that lasted about 35 minutes but it REALLY lasted til 930p. needless to say, God showed up! Danielle was going to share a message but God had His own plans and decided to take over.
we were just praying and loving on Him and then he came and wrapped His arms around us. i stepped out to speak w. a friend and then came back and sat towards the back and just got ensumed by His presence. that was 8p so from 8p to 930p i was praying for/with other girls and just worshipping God.
i must say, feeling that warm embrace and peace of His love is just amazing. i long for that everyday and i have to remember that i have to seek His face and stay in His word each day for that. its just soo amazing that words can't really explain the way it feels. oh how much i LOVE Jesus!!! below is a video that i watched yesterday morning. going into youth group i was praying that we would see more and more of Jesus in the mirror every morning instead of ourselves...check it out.
have a good rest of the week people. today's thursday and saturday's the 4th!! woot-woot ;)
much love,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I just spent the last 2 weeks in PA. what a trip that was!! i was soo happy because i got to see all of my friends. ok well almost all of them. 1 of them was down in OCNJ. i got to see my grandmom for a little bit and show her my graduation pictures and diploma. i was happy about that.
i will put some pix w. captions on the bottom of this blog from my graduation ceremony. the tagging goes from left to right. i gtg 2 bed but i thank you for reading. as of friday i will no longer have a facebook so please email/call/comment me and i will get back to you! :)
>Lexii, Jacqi, Me, Mom^
^Tepy, Ally-B, Elisa, Me,^
^Stacie, Edgar, Kayla^
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
GED Ceremony!!
the ceremony isn't until june 16th but man am i anticipating it. ;) not only am i going to be wearing a cap and gown but i get to keep it!! there's also an essay contest and just for kicks im gonna enter it.!!
i just thought i would post this quick blog to update everyone who reads my blog. and a quick shout-out to everyone from back home...I MISS YOU ALL!!!
any questions? comments? concerns? call my cell or email me at
much love
~Kali~ <3
to pass each individual test, i had to get at least a 410 and an average of 450 to pass the whole thing.
Writing- i scored higher than 31% of graduating high school seniors - 450/800
Reading- i scored higher than 99% of graduating high school seniors - 720/800
Math- i scored higher than 82% of graduating high school seniors - 590/800
Science- i scored higher than 97% of graduating high school seniors - 690/800
Social Studies- i scored higher than 82% of graduating high school seniors - 590/800
Average: 608
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

now i will spend my days working @ Subway and saving money for extras this year. by extras i mean spending money for masters commission! thats right, i got accepted into New England Masters Commission (formerly known as Seacoast Masters Commission)!!!!! my tuition is already taken care of so now im just working to save money. im soo happy that God has brought me here. it has been quite a ride but as my friend Kimberly once told me..."you've found the missing puzzle piece to life!"
any questions? concerns? comments? email me @
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
im a future NEMCer
since ive been up here everything has fallen into place. i've been attending the church where the MC is based out of and they have welcomed me with open arms. then, i went to their youth convention and on the 1st night the speaker asked if i was there because we had been talking on facebook. but i never told him that i was going to be @ the convention. either way that weekend was sooo amazing for me. God just showed up and wrecked a bunch of ppls lives.
i will be taking my GED test on the 6th and 13th of May. i am sooo confident that i will get it. my scores on both pretests were @ the college level. i'm working on getting a job as well. im going to start turning in applications tomorrow and for the next week or so. this whole experience has just been soooo amazing!! Jesus wuvs me! ;)
i called PB (Pastor Bob) and told him that i got accepted and he asked me if they were sure they were ready for me! ;) im sure they the end of my interview, Pastor Chad (the director of the masters commission) gave me a hug and said, "welcome to the crazies!" ha ha ha - for those of you that know me, know that crazy is my middle name!
i won't lie, i do miss everyone back home...shout out to C4 & LCF!! i will be coming down sometime in June and i will be sure to stop by and say goodbye...PB said i didnt have a choice! ;) i love all you guys and i will be sure to keep in touch.
there's my update...any questions?! email me @
~Kali ;)
Friday, April 10, 2009
i posted the ads because they will help me earn money. i have no control about what ads come up because they are based on the type of material that i blog about. so, if you find an interesting ad and click on one and something bad happens, let me know so i can disable this feature.
Monday, March 30, 2009
^my shoes @ the beach...i went in the water!^
Okay so it's pretty apparent from the title that i'm not involved in my usual day to day routines. Actually, im not even in my usual day to day environment! I'm in New Hampshire & i've been here since Monday, 3/22. It was a spur of the moment thing for me to come up here. Todd & Tammi were leaving & Christina asked if they were taking me w. them. The next thing i knew, i was packed for 2 weeks & heading North on 95!!
The ride took us through New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, & then finally New Hampshire. We went in such a way that the scenery was soooo beautiful!! I actually got slept in the car! We left PA @ about 1p & got to NH @ about 1030p. It took us longer than expected but we got here; safe & sound.
Tuesday i woke up @ the normal time but i didn't start school until 8a. You see, that's the plus side of being home schooled; you can do it anywhere!! ;) I spent the rest of the day catching up on school from Monday & relaxing. We had Chinese food for dinner! ;)
Thursday Tammi & I went out and she showed me the beach. It was only 10-15 minutes away! After taking some pictures and a little video, we came back to the apartment. The apartment is a cozy little place. The building where the apartments are used to be an old button factory. School on Thursday was 8a to about 1130a. It was an easy day. After we got back from the beach, i built a roller coaster for my science class.
Yesterday was Sunday & a calm quiet day of relaxation. Heck, all week has been time of quiet & relaxation!! Anywayz, Todd & i went to the local A/G church; Bethal A/G. There is a Master's Commission @ the church as well. I have known about it for a little bit but haven't taken any steps to make contact. Well, Todd gave the pastor a card with his email on it & asked him to give that to the director. I was excited to see what would become of that. We went to the store & then came back to the apartment to chill. We all watched "50 First Dates" & then had "Taco Pizza" for dinner. I'll let your imaginations roam on the's a secret!! (sssshhhhh)
Friday, March 27, 2009
"Surrender" by: Seventh Day Slumber
Sunday, March 15, 2009
"One Day"
One day is not enough
It’s not enough to dream
To talk, To scream
One day won’t last
Last past the music
The fighting, The tears
One day won’t see
See the accomplishment
The goals, The fears
One day is not enough
Enough to remember
To try, To persevere
Can’t you see
One day is just not enough
It won’t last, It won’t see
One day is just the beginning
Who will you choose to be
Title(s): Permanent, Mr. Sensitive, A Daily Anthem
Artist: David Cook
Album: David Cook
Friday, March 13, 2009
FREE Bible
His name is Dave and he's giving away a FREE calfskin ESV Study Bible. I entered to win and you can too!! All's you have to do is go to his site and do what I just did, repost it! ;)
*This is a real post and I know, that last line sounded a bit cheesy!*
I will write another blog in a few days to catch up all of my readers on the last couple much to go over.
much love ppls!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Quick Update
everything here is going okay. school's fine, i mean im getting my grades up. i'm still working @ McDonald's. i got my raise a little while ago. i dont remember if i blogged that or not. i was sooo excited because i've been waiting for this raise for about 1 1/2 years. we now have 3 training mgrs so as soon as we get our new training materials, i will be able to take my test.
ok so to be honest, ive had sort of a rough couple weeks. im taking it day by day and trying to comprehend the daily events. certain things happen that trigger raw emotion. that raw emotion is the kind of emotion that i dont wanna neglect but i want to hide. im not really sure what to do with that raw emotion but i feel like im getting better and better at handling with every other curve ball that life throws at me.
i'm gonna end this blog because i dont wanna go on and on about nothing. im leaving you with 4 things...well 1 thing and 3 songs that have rocked my world over the past 2-3 weeks
1.) on Sunday, PB said he was gonna start updating his excited but still waiting ;) lol PB's the best!
2.) "You Said" By: Hillsong
3.) "Be Still" By: Storyside B
4.) "Outrage" By: Capital Lights
--these songs are pretty kool and are just totally AWESOME!! to listen to ;) you can find them on my playlist @ the right if they were on>
i will be back later...probably saturday or sunday night. Sunday night there's a prayer meeting at church so idk what time i'll be home.
peace & luv ppls, peace & luv
~Kali <3
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
i'm baaaaccckkk!!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Temporarily Disconnected
now Geometry, that's another story. i understand the material. i am thinking that i failed because my test grades we're below par. either way, i'm not allowed on the computer. when i will be back is unknown at the moment. i'm sure i will have a lot to write when i return so in the meantime please don't forget me & keep checking in for a new post. it will be the 2nd thing i do when i'm allowed back on. the 1st thing i will do will be to check my email, of course!! ;)
much love
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
What a Week!
-->Sunday was the big game! the NFC championship game, the last game before the SuperBowl! well, the Eagles blew it...yes, they lost...TO THE CARDINALS!! (whats up with that?) before the game started, my aunt and uncle sent me the following picture:
-->these girls are my two youngest cousins. The cheerleading outfit that Bella is wearing is what i gave her for Christmas...doesn't she look soooo cute?!? don't they both look sooo cute?!?!
-->anywayz, i've been neglecting the blog for no particular reason, i've just been a little busy...on monday morning i had oral surgery. i know it sounds gross but you really have no i'll tell you!
-->It all started in November of '07 when i got my last baby tooth pulled. my orthodontist said it had to be done so that adult tooth could come in and we could continue with the tightening of my braces. So, i went through with it. They pulled the tooth and after a year, the tooth never came down an inch, not even a centimeter! This whole oral surgery situation was totally stressful. I went from having to get a tooth pulled to having to get my gum cut open. needless to say, i got my gum cut so they could put a bracket on that tooth. Then, they put a chain on that bracket and now my orthodontist has to attach the chain to my brace wire.
-->during the procedure, they put me to sleep AND put novacaine around the surgical area. i dont remember much after i woke up. i dont even remember walking out to the car. when i got home, i layed on the couch and fell asleep until about 1030a. i was semi-out of it all day. the pain really didn't set in until about 12p. by that time i had taken my prescribed pain meds. my gums were still bleeding at 130p and im glad they stopped then. the picture below was taken the day after the's pretty small in case you don't wanna look.
-->they gave me Vicoden for the pain and it made me feel not like myself. i was drowsy and majorly out of it!! the last time i took them was Tuesday night and i've been taking Tylenol and Ibuprofen since. the swelling goes back and forth and the pain throbs every once in a while, especially when i laugh/smile. but besides that, i seem to be doing okay. tonight the chain unraveled and is now hanging from my top gums. which is sooo annoying, if i may say so myself! there's a picture of that below this paragraph.
-->so now my deal is to wait. i have to make the orthodontist appointment that will get this big ball rolling. when that will be for, well, i just dont know as of yet. so for right now i wait...on another note, let's talk about family. mine is a little hectic right now. im not gonna get into major details but i'm feeling a little confused, frustrated, upset, and just plain lost.
-->my major concern would be my grandmom. she has cancer and has been through a round of chemotherapy. her doctor has just recently told her that the chemo wasn't working or slowing anything down. so, she "made a big girl decision" (those were her words) and she just stopped the chemo altogether. i am unaware on the biggest details of all...what else the doctor said! she's not much for talking about it so i will just have to wait. we're not sure how long he told her she has or what she thinks about the whole situation. like i said, im just so lost & confused.
-->ok well now i have to go to bed before i start thinking too deeply into all these details. i will leave you with some verses that i've kept reverting back to all week and a song that i can't stop listening to!
Ecclesiastes 7:14(MSG): "On a good day, enjoy yourself; On a bad day, examine your your conscience. God arranges for both kinds of days so that we won't take anything for granted."
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What am i supposed to feel right now!?!
i dont really know what to think about my feelings. and i truly feel like im just blabbing right now but its starting to help. i need to talk to someone that i can feel comfortable enough with to cry in front of & they won't thing im being irrational. ya, that's just what i need...someone to tell me im exaggerating.
something i do need though is sleep...i'm trying to get as much sleep as i can at night but it's not working out. im tossing and turning and i wake up in the middle of the night and i think its time to get up but then its not so i go back to sleep and before i know it, its time to get up! let's take this morning for example...i woke up at like 7a and my alarm was supposed to go off @ 820a. then, jeremy knocked on my door @ 8a and i was like "oh no!" so i got up and got ready all by ironic!
got off 2 church by 920a and felt a little out of place(idk y). got 2 church and typed up songs but i didnt get thru them w/o crying first. ugh! some people said they were sorry for my loss...some people didnt know. some of the times i wanted to say it was ok but then again its not...i mean it is okay, its great because he's not hurting anymore. but, idk i guess im being selfish, because im gonna miss him. im gonna miss him A LOT!!
its 1116p on sunday night after the Eagles beat the Giants 23-11 (Historic Record) and im crying while eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream...yum! i have to wake up @ 715a so i can start school by 730a. i have 2 papers to write, as well as a science project to do. i have to go to the store and buy the materials though. i keep forgetting while im at the store...ugh!
i seriously have to go to bed now so there will be no weekend wrap-up but i will give you a song to check out and i will leave you with a tad bit of good news. i became a member of my church today! how kool is that?!
Song of the Day/Weekend/Week (found on playlist to the right-->)
Title: You Can Let Go
Artist: Crystal Shawanda
Album: Dawn of a New Day