Thursday, July 2, 2009

what i didnt post last night...

last night when i was writing the other blog i had some things on my heart to share but wasn't quite ready to share. this morning i woke up and HAD to blog about it.

last night was youth group. i havent been there in 2 weeks and i was oober excited to get back and see some of my friends. i even surprised somebody who i was texting the night i landed ;) she was totally surprised! anywayz, i love youth group. i know, i 18 and starting a higher education in the fall but i've still got a young soul and a heart for teens.

youth group itself starts at 630p but most teens show up before that and hang out in the teen center. well we started with worship that lasted about 35 minutes but it REALLY lasted til 930p. needless to say, God showed up! Danielle was going to share a message but God had His own plans and decided to take over.

we were just praying and loving on Him and then he came and wrapped His arms around us. i stepped out to speak w. a friend and then came back and sat towards the back and just got ensumed by His presence. that was 8p so from 8p to 930p i was praying for/with other girls and just worshipping God.

i must say, feeling that warm embrace and peace of His love is just amazing. i long for that everyday and i have to remember that i have to seek His face and stay in His word each day for that. its just soo amazing that words can't really explain the way it feels. oh how much i LOVE Jesus!!! below is a video that i watched yesterday morning. going into youth group i was praying that we would see more and more of Jesus in the mirror every morning instead of ourselves...check it out.

have a good rest of the week people. today's thursday and saturday's the 4th!! woot-woot ;)

much love,

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