^Gram w. 3 oldest granddaughters^
yes, we were not only vacation buddies but we were family. 2 weeks every summer was spent enjoying the sun together. Whether we were in Chincoteague, VA, Centreville, MD, or Pigeon Forge, TN...we were together.
this person was my grandmother. like my grandfather; she was one of the bestest friends i could have ever had. I would call her every weekend just to catch up and see how she was doing. I would see her on every major holiday and for 2 weeks every summer. most times we didnt go anywhere special we just hung out. i would help her do tasks at work like vacuuming the sanctuary, folding bulletins, cleaning bathrooms, stuffing envelopes or bulletins and just being with her.
on July 5th she passed away. the last time i spoke with her or saw her was on June 20th. she was sick and she fought the best she could. my mom, sisters, and i all went down to her home in MD to see her and show her my diploma and some pictures from my graduation. she was tired yet, she asked us to stay. so, we did and gave her a hug and kiss the next day before we left.
i continued to call and speak to my aunt (Gram's sister) just to see if anything had changed; nothing ever did. she slept a lot and her body was getting tired. we knew the day would eventually come but its still so hard to accept. i mean, in 6 months i go from having both grandparents then just one and now none. it all just happens so fast that no one person can ever be fully prepared.

^Gram & I: October 1990^
on thursday july 9th, i will be going back down to PA for another week. i will arrive at my destination EARLY friday morning. im unsure of the definite service times but i do know that i will definitely be there. Gram, Grammy, Aunt Pat...every name that she had; fit! i love her and will always miss my Grammy!!
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