Friday, June 1, 2012

it was nice...

it was nice...
    - to see friends that i haven't seen in months
    - to see family that i have only gotten to talk to on the phone
    - to walk around where i grew up (with no agenda)
    - to be adventurous...on my own

as im typing this im thinking about everything that i have to do today & this weekend. packing. unpacking. repacking. organizing. list making. goodbyes. i love yous. see you soons. 

it will be nice...
    - to see friends that i have spent the past 10 months with but havent seen in the last 2 weeks. 
    - to  do something productive 
    - to be busy 
    - to see people that i havent seen since last summer
    - to see God wreck the lives of hundreds of teenagers
    - to connect 

i cant wait for my adventures to come. -- Florida. Youth Camp. Boston. Toronto. Atlanta. Boston. 


--> any questions please ask.: comment. email. call. text. facebook. 



Unknown said...

Hi Kali! I've had this bookmarked and checked every so often to see how Ireland went. I see you are in Florida and may be traveling. Will you be back in PA anytime during the first week or just beyond in September? Tom and I are coming to visit Gramma O and Les a couple of days after Labor Day and plan on staying around a week before zipping South to see some of my relatives. Your mom will know more as soon as Tom firms up details with our friend at AAA and I'll let her know. It may not be possible, but we'd love to catch up with your life now that you've graduated Masters and what's next for you! Love, "Aunt" Linda

Unknown said...
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