Monday, April 23, 2012


there's nothing quite like attending a service where you're expecting great things to happen. tonight...was one of those nights. some friends of mine and i went to a service one town over from ours. the speaker was someone that we have heard before but we were just anticipating God to do awesome things. 

awesome is an understatement! personally, God confirmed some things in me that i have been praying about. things that i didnt think would ever come to pass. things that only dreamers dream about. && they were just that until tonight....dreams. the Lord has been speaking to me through almost everything that has come up in my life for the past month or so. whether it be a song or a sermon or just in my quiet time with Him. He's answering prayers that i totally did not have the faith for when i prayed them. crazy huh?! 

well. im off to bed. its been a great, relaxing day. i leave friday for Orlando, Fl. :) i have some songs for you to check out. --> For the Honor by Elevation Worship - With Everything by Hillsong United & Oh You Bring by Hillsong United. <-- 


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