is that what this was called?! -- summer?!?! lol! its been hot as anything this year & thats no surprise at all. (it seems like it always just gets hotter & hotter) but im not really talking about the weather. im talking about the amount of time. the 'vacation.'
im not complaining & i hope it doesnt sound like i am. ive enjoyed almost every minute of this break....almost. sure, there have been some bumps in the road but for the most part its been relaxing. its been fun. its been a learning experience. && if anything its been refreshing. you see, i havent spent time in PA like this since the spring of 2009. Thats right...its been 3 years!! i usually come to visit twice a year (Christmas & 1 week in the summer). nothing major but just enough time to catch up, visit, eat, & leave.
this time has been so different. ive been able to catch up, visit, sleep over, eat, rest, walk, explore, & relax! yep, thats right...those 2 'R' words in there. getting the hang of 'em. it hasnt been easy but its coming. throughout the past month & a half i think i have learned more about rest & relationships than i have in the past 6 months. it has definitely been a good time had by all. :)
i gotta admit though, i will miss everyone. part of me wants to kick myself for coming back & staying so long as to get reattached to people. but in the long run i know it will be a good thing or should i say a "God thing." its funny the things that the Lord uses to teach me. He shows me love & brings to my attention the simplest of things just to express His greatness. its beautiful & this summer has been one big story. i mean from the first week i was here & walked about 9 miles without knowing it to seeing hundreds of teens lives changed at youth camp & 1 very special student go from being an atheist to a born again, Spirit filled, called preacher! (WOOO!) to soaking up every last minute with family & close friends that i wish could just relocate to where i now call home.
in the end, i understand life was built to keep moving. to move on. to learn. to live. to love. & best of be shared! as this final week comes to an end i am getting more and more excited to return home. to where my heart is content. but im also becoming aware of my goodbyes & the strings that are hanging on for dear life.
until we meet again.
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