today was rough...i mean i knew today would be the day we left & i knew it would be hard but it was harder than Tijuana....we were more connected to the people in Tijuana but here i just felt such a heart-felt connection.
here's how it went: i woke up, had breakfast, & Fontaine shared

on the way to the airport i had my music on & i was tearing up a little. then we got to the airport & went inside...i was okay after that. we got to the check-in and checked our baggage. we received our boarding passes and then had to pay an exit fee. John was with us until we went through the exit door...he hugged me & i started tearing up. then he looked @ my face & squeezed hi to make it look like a pouty face. (i was trying sooo hard NOT to cry)
i giggled & kept moving...i got my ticket checked and said "bye John!" and walked through the door to be w. PB & Lisa. then i looked @ Lisa and she hugged me and i started crying. PB asked if i was okay and i shook my head 'yes' because i couldn't talk. then we all started going down the steps & waving our final goodbyes. i was balling like a baby(i shouldnt have looked back)...we got to our gate and i was talking to Lisa @ the seats and i was telling her how leaving here is WAY different than leaving Tijuana...ugh!! just writing about it is hard.
i was looking @ my ticket and im in row 19 as i was on the other flights. i then told Lisa how i think that's my lucky #. she agreed with w. me and then i said that i'm gonna be 19 next year and she said that she was thinking that too (whoa!) then, i was on the plane before i started writing and i read my journal entry from the 19th of October. that's the day that it all came together for me. thats the day that God gave me the verse i was supposed to use in my devotional. that was it!...i dont know but for me, that's craziness.
well, we got on the plane and i started journaling. i had to cut it short because i started crying again. Batman w. George Clooney was our movie but i didnt wanna watch it. i sat in my seat and looked out the window, looked at some of George's pictures, slept, cried; yes, i was still crying.
i fell asleep before the landing and woke up when we landed. it was raining and i had my headphones on. when we landed i like jumped and looked @ Shmeil as every passenger began clapping. i asked him what happened and he told me we did a little fishtailing before we landed. i told him a warning would've been nice ;) he said he was thinking about it...oh well i guess its the thought that counts.
after we got off the plane, we went through reverse immigration, waited FOREVER for our bags and then met Inga, Kombole, and Judy K. @ the entrance. we all hopped in the van and PB drove, yet again.
we settled in the van and i put my headphones on and dozed off. we stopped @ a rest stop real quick and got right back in the van. my "anti-social" attitude, as Scott calls it, continued until we had a discussion about what we experienced. we all shared and then got home. Christina picked George, Josh, and I up. we dropped the guys off @ their places and went home. once i got settled at the house, i couldnt stop talking about the trip. Ian, Mike Lynn, Christina, and i all played Rockband until 2am and then i crashed just to get up @ 8am for church. its gonna be a big day tomorrow. we're all sharing what we experience in Guatemala.
-->gotta go beat! ;)
p.s. -- here's the link to the video of how the Greene Family adopted Kevin.
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