well...the Phillies won game #1 of the World Series(3-2) i was so exhausted im surprised i stayed awake although i did start dozing off by the 8th inning. i went back to our bungalow & went to bed...this morning we had devos & it was PB's turn, i took notes!! :) then we got ready to go and somebody broke one of our slatted windows w. a soccer ball (im not naming names) then Scott went to set down one of the thermos' and it broke!
work was lighter than it has been and we were done by 130pm. @ 11am we had corn that Vincente's wife made for us...they call it crazy corn. its an ear of corn w. mayo, ketchup, & hot sauce. it was soooo good, then we continued working & i was carrying H2O up from downstairs while they made cement & poured the castles.
i spent some time w. the kids after we were done & it broke my heart to leave - not like the orphanage in Tijuana though, i think that's because i know these kids have families & the kids in Mexico didnt, but it still hurt my heart to leave
John has been talking about wanting us to come back & i would LOVE that...i would also like to go back to Tijuana but i think here more & it would be neat to come w. a ministry team but, of course, that's all up to God ;)
we went to dinner & then John wanted to have a "debriefing" in the prayer tower. we did & i must say that's the best debriefing ive ever been in...John got emotional after sharing some things that he's seen throughout the week. then we all shared something that we've learned or have felt God speaking to us about & then John prayed over us & LCF
we went to the guy's place to watch game #2 of the World Series. the Phillies lost-we are now tied 1-1 in the series on a travel day w. the next 3 games @ home. hopefully we'll take Tampa down then!!
*side-note* theres just something about John where i feel connected: why?? i have no idea...throughout the whole week he's been telling me how i remind him of his daughter & he said "the only reason i dont miss her as much as i usually do is because you're here." WOW!! what kind of something is that...idk but to me it means a lot...this trip was just so AMAZING!! *end side-note*

peace & love ppls!
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