just the beginning of the way i perceive things; welcome!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Day 5...incl. pictures!
today is the 10/22 and imma start off by saying that last night was my worst night's sleep so far...i was up once an hour starting @ 1am. i would wake up, look outside(still dark), & then check my clock. i couldnt believe it!!
i went to the prayer tower this morning & prayed for a bit. its so nice to be able to go in there & pray & feel God's presence...it's kind of awe-striking. (if that makes sense)
today we had some work ahead of us. Josh had devos and it was good.!! what he said was very inspiring. then after devos we found out we were going to stop work early(1pm) & go to some natural hot springs. how awesome is that!? i was so excited! when i went to CA 7 yrs ago we were supposed to check out some hot springs but that got cancelled. then, John said we were going to go to the city from the Transformation video, Almolonga. i was psyched for that too! another cool thing is that we're in Guatemala & watching the first game of the World Series...DUDE!! ok so enough of that, on w. the day. @ 1pm we came back to the bungalows to get changed for the springs. the ride was about 45 mins to and hour & that was an adventure in itself. the road was narrow but supposedly made for 2 lanes!! ya right!! i was a little nervous considering i was on the side of the truck with the cliff! i got pictures...when we arrived i couldnt believe it. we were actually IN the clouds. did i mention i got pictures?? @ the springs there was 3 different pools. cool, hot, very hot...the very hot pool was the pool closest to the rock. John said that if we touched the rock where the water was coming out of that it would scold our hands. i went into the hot pool first and then the very hot pool...i didnt go as far as some of the guys did bcuz it was so hot it turned my legs red!...ouch!!we left the springs about and hour or so later and headed toward Almolonga. this city is the one mentioned in the "Transformation" video that we watched at church. in the video it claimed that the city was full of bars that were full all the time and the land was totally desolate. then God touched the city, its people, and the land. vegetables were oversized and the salvation rate was through the roof. watching this video and then seeing it all in person was so unreal. we saw carrots on the side of the road that were at least 3 times the size of a normal carrot. John said that carrots weren't in their prime right now so they weren't really full size!! wow! we were able to go inside of the church where the revival broke out...oh yeah, i have pictures of that too! ;) its sooooo hard to put into words how AMAZING!!!! today was, its actually just indescribable kind of but i got pictures & they should tell it all...we left the town and headed back to the compound...we ventured through the city-city of Quetzaltenango and saw exactly how many people there really was...& then we saw the McDonald's & they have Chips Ahoy McFlurry's---good stuff man!! oh and i forgot to mention that right after we reached the city limits (Almolonga & Quetzaltenango) i saw a sign w. my name on it! that's right ppl they know my name in Guatemala...i took a picture of that too! i translated some of the words and found out that it has something to do w. paint or painting...im not quite sure what else though.
rounding out the night w. dinner & WS game over @ the guy's bungalow...par-tay!! psych nah...well time to go.
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