no, the title of this blog has nothing to do with what im talking about tonight and thats perfectly okay! :)
my new computer is pretty amazing! work is pretty steady and im getting along well with my co-workers. our schedule is picking up and im really excited about that. i got a really cool sweatshirt from a friend of mine's boyfriend that is in Japan with the Marines. he's pretty cool
i would just like to state for the record that everyday i am amazed by the fact that God has brought me to this place where He can mold me to be all that He wants me to be. we started reading a book about 2 weeks ago called "God Chasers"...its sooo good!! The book is eye-opening and stretching all at the same time.
Now, im off to watch a movie called "Planet 51" with Cindy & Teddi! :)
Love always,
Me ;)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
ok so its been since the 5th of august since i have updated and to be completely honest...I FORGOT! ;(
well, im doing fine. im working now (at mcdonald's). tuition is almost paid off but im still working on it. our traveling is starting to pick up and this weekend we are going to Wyndham, ME. Our dramas are mad sick and im sooo excited!! our passion is continuously growing.
i have sent out two newsletters so far and if you have not received them please let me know and i will be able to send them to you via email.
anyways, im learning a lot about exactly what God is doing in my life and what He wants me to do with my life. the burden that He has placed in my heart is continuing to grow and my life is changing forever. OH MY GOSH!! i just REALLY love Him sooo much.
more to come...updates will begin to come more frequently ;)
well, im doing fine. im working now (at mcdonald's). tuition is almost paid off but im still working on it. our traveling is starting to pick up and this weekend we are going to Wyndham, ME. Our dramas are mad sick and im sooo excited!! our passion is continuously growing.
i have sent out two newsletters so far and if you have not received them please let me know and i will be able to send them to you via email.
anyways, im learning a lot about exactly what God is doing in my life and what He wants me to do with my life. the burden that He has placed in my heart is continuing to grow and my life is changing forever. OH MY GOSH!! i just REALLY love Him sooo much.
more to come...updates will begin to come more frequently ;)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
this summer has been crazy hot up here in New England. Last summer, it was only hot for about a week and then it rained most of the rest of the time. It started getting really nice the other day. breezy and cool in the middle of the day. then it got REALLY hot again. i can not wait for fall!!
MC starts back up for me on the 21st!! i am sooo excited too. back with my Master's family again. most of all, i am so excited for the 1st years that are coming in. im excited to see what God is going to do in, through, and with them. its crazy to see how far the 1st years from last year have come. just seeing how much we have grown and how much God has molded us is absolutely nuts.
as of now, i do not know any details of what this next year will hold but i can say one thing and that is that i am totally stoked! next friday i go to 6 Flags New England with the youth group and some other people and i am excited for that too. this summer has been a growing place for me and i'm not sure how ive done.
have i passed the test? have i just made it by guessing the answers?? i really dont know. its been so hard for me. after having an intense, crazy-long conversation with a good friend who is REALLY far away. i have come to understand that there are things to let go of and things to hold on to. and then came PC's sermon last night about being a deadliest weapon in God's hand. then the subtitle was 'are you able?' the last -able was pliable; like clay. clay can be molded and shifted and then once it goes through the fire it comes out stronger than ever before. can i please say how perfect that went with the week i've had?!
anyway, time is passing rather quickly and the days seem to be flying. i do want to say thank you to all of my blog readers for their prayers and support. if anyone has any questions please ask. i'm not hard to reach.
much love,
MC starts back up for me on the 21st!! i am sooo excited too. back with my Master's family again. most of all, i am so excited for the 1st years that are coming in. im excited to see what God is going to do in, through, and with them. its crazy to see how far the 1st years from last year have come. just seeing how much we have grown and how much God has molded us is absolutely nuts.
as of now, i do not know any details of what this next year will hold but i can say one thing and that is that i am totally stoked! next friday i go to 6 Flags New England with the youth group and some other people and i am excited for that too. this summer has been a growing place for me and i'm not sure how ive done.
have i passed the test? have i just made it by guessing the answers?? i really dont know. its been so hard for me. after having an intense, crazy-long conversation with a good friend who is REALLY far away. i have come to understand that there are things to let go of and things to hold on to. and then came PC's sermon last night about being a deadliest weapon in God's hand. then the subtitle was 'are you able?' the last -able was pliable; like clay. clay can be molded and shifted and then once it goes through the fire it comes out stronger than ever before. can i please say how perfect that went with the week i've had?!
anyway, time is passing rather quickly and the days seem to be flying. i do want to say thank you to all of my blog readers for their prayers and support. if anyone has any questions please ask. i'm not hard to reach.
much love,
Saturday, July 17, 2010
i know. updates haven't come and pix haven't been posted. i've been extremely distracted lately. between working @ 5Below and doing some microsoft shows to raise $ for my tuition its been rough. i'm ready for a slow down though. i'm working this week and next and every week after that until the year starts then it will probably only be 1-2 days a week. but, no more shows for us until september.
i dont have a phone as of now but if anyone needs to get a hold of me, email would be best. i can check that as soon as i get in a wifi area.
love you all.
i dont have a phone as of now but if anyone needs to get a hold of me, email would be best. i can check that as soon as i get in a wifi area.
love you all.
Monday, June 14, 2010
busy weeks
i will post an update soon of how things have been going since graduation on may 30th. Guatemala was amazing and pix will be posted. i have started working @ 5Below. i started last saturday after i got home from New Orleans. I worked my first official microsoft show.
as i stated. full updates will come soon! :)
as i stated. full updates will come soon! :)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
thats what i asked myself this morning when i woke up @ 7am. today is a mandatory day off so we can pack and relax before we leave for Guatemala at 4am on Friday morning. im sooo excited to be going but i was REALLY excited to sleep in today...
im not quite sure why but i can never sleep in when i want to but once i have to be somewhere i sleep in until the last minute. oh well, beggars cant be choosers.
this blog is the last blog i will be posting for a little over a week so, i wanted to update you on everything that has been going on.
this past week our 3rd year ladies along w. Tepy, Elisa, & Lindsey all went to New York City for a microsoft show. oh how i missed them so! the 1st & 2nd years have been running through dramas and songs like crazy. we all preached our final sermons this week. we started on Monday and then had a group each day. i preached on the last day (wednesday). i was so nervous but it turned out well...until i was done. PC counted me saying "um" 31 times. needless to say, i had to re-preach along w. taking my scripture test after church
i felt a little weird because i knew that everybody had already heard it. but that is quite alright. When i was finished PC said he took lots of notes. now i wasnt sure if he was serious or not. i walked over said "thank you" and grabbed my paper. i didnt look at it until i was about half way home. i opened that paper and there were no notes but it said this: "Kali-Awesome-A." i was slightly ecstatic but didnt really show it.
after last week my emotions have been kind of numb. ive had the urge to cry at the most random times but i wont. its really weird...
on a lighter note, i got a job. well, i may have gotten 2 jobs! :) I was hired @ Panera Bread and i had my orientation on Tuesday afternoon. Then, Old Navy called me for a 2nd interview!! im pumped!!! 2 jobs was my goal for this summer. if there was a way for me to finagle 3 i totally would. now, my next step in this process is to get a car. i need something to get me back and forth and with one job being in portsmouth and the other in kittery, i need something reliable. the only thing holding me back right now is money. it takes money to buy a car and i dont have any!
one of my aunts just sent me a check in the mail to help w. some last minute things on the trip. it is such a blessing because if she didnt then i would have nothing. no money to go w. or no money to get the last minute things that i needed.
anyway, thats really all i wrote for was to update you on the happenings of me as we prepare for Guatemala. oh...& graduation is only a little over 2 weeks away. but we're not talking about that right now.
any questions please email me or comment here and let me know! :)
~Kali <3~
im not quite sure why but i can never sleep in when i want to but once i have to be somewhere i sleep in until the last minute. oh well, beggars cant be choosers.
this blog is the last blog i will be posting for a little over a week so, i wanted to update you on everything that has been going on.
this past week our 3rd year ladies along w. Tepy, Elisa, & Lindsey all went to New York City for a microsoft show. oh how i missed them so! the 1st & 2nd years have been running through dramas and songs like crazy. we all preached our final sermons this week. we started on Monday and then had a group each day. i preached on the last day (wednesday). i was so nervous but it turned out well...until i was done. PC counted me saying "um" 31 times. needless to say, i had to re-preach along w. taking my scripture test after church
i felt a little weird because i knew that everybody had already heard it. but that is quite alright. When i was finished PC said he took lots of notes. now i wasnt sure if he was serious or not. i walked over said "thank you" and grabbed my paper. i didnt look at it until i was about half way home. i opened that paper and there were no notes but it said this: "Kali-Awesome-A." i was slightly ecstatic but didnt really show it.
after last week my emotions have been kind of numb. ive had the urge to cry at the most random times but i wont. its really weird...
on a lighter note, i got a job. well, i may have gotten 2 jobs! :) I was hired @ Panera Bread and i had my orientation on Tuesday afternoon. Then, Old Navy called me for a 2nd interview!! im pumped!!! 2 jobs was my goal for this summer. if there was a way for me to finagle 3 i totally would. now, my next step in this process is to get a car. i need something to get me back and forth and with one job being in portsmouth and the other in kittery, i need something reliable. the only thing holding me back right now is money. it takes money to buy a car and i dont have any!
one of my aunts just sent me a check in the mail to help w. some last minute things on the trip. it is such a blessing because if she didnt then i would have nothing. no money to go w. or no money to get the last minute things that i needed.
anyway, thats really all i wrote for was to update you on the happenings of me as we prepare for Guatemala. oh...& graduation is only a little over 2 weeks away. but we're not talking about that right now.
any questions please email me or comment here and let me know! :)
~Kali <3~
Sunday, May 2, 2010
lavished w. grace
thats me. well...thats all of us but this morning it was me.
NEMC went to Derry, NH to minister @ Trinity Assembly of God. It was the last time that ALL of us would be ministering together this year. Not all of us are going to Guatemala so that doesnt count and we are doing something @ graduation but thats different.
PC preached on "interrupting grace" from Acts 9:1-20 and it was kind of funny because grace is something that ive been thinking a lot on lately. after our Romans 3 teaching ive had a new favorite word; lavishing. when you think about it, its kind of a weird word but it means so much in this relationship that im in. this relationship with my Abba Father, my daddy God.
He shows me grace that i need but totally do not deserve. ok so to make a long story short. PC preached this morning and then we had an altar call. i prayed for a woman and felt a connection with God the whole time. im always connected but after i stopped praying for her i was just silent. i was talking to my God and just asking Him "why me?" Why would He show me this grace that i dont deserve? PC & Mrs. Patty were walking through the altar and praying for everyone who responded.
I stood off to the side as i was asking these questions. i then closed my eyes and just began to worship. they were praying for more grace. for God to flood us and lavish us with His grace; and yes, PC did use my word this morning. (i smiled) as they prayed for me i just felt everything disappear. all of the sour emotions. the things that i held onto because i thought there was no way i could get rid of it. it felt like a wind was blowing everything clean inside of me.
i got this deep revelation today that God has already claimed me as His. i am clean & spotless in His sight because, to Him, i am covered in grace. i have been too overwhelmed in my own emotions that i have to stay as "strong" as possible as to not be caught off guard. ive had it all wrong. i have to be weak sometimes so that God can be strong in my life. ive heard that before but today it just rang something new inside of me.
so here i amazed @ the fact that i am lavished in His grace and that in my weakness He is made strong; stronger than i could have ever been on my own. thank you Jesus for holding me when i need it. thank you for embracing me and showing me new things when You know i need it! ;)
NEMC went to Derry, NH to minister @ Trinity Assembly of God. It was the last time that ALL of us would be ministering together this year. Not all of us are going to Guatemala so that doesnt count and we are doing something @ graduation but thats different.
PC preached on "interrupting grace" from Acts 9:1-20 and it was kind of funny because grace is something that ive been thinking a lot on lately. after our Romans 3 teaching ive had a new favorite word; lavishing. when you think about it, its kind of a weird word but it means so much in this relationship that im in. this relationship with my Abba Father, my daddy God.
He shows me grace that i need but totally do not deserve. ok so to make a long story short. PC preached this morning and then we had an altar call. i prayed for a woman and felt a connection with God the whole time. im always connected but after i stopped praying for her i was just silent. i was talking to my God and just asking Him "why me?" Why would He show me this grace that i dont deserve? PC & Mrs. Patty were walking through the altar and praying for everyone who responded.
I stood off to the side as i was asking these questions. i then closed my eyes and just began to worship. they were praying for more grace. for God to flood us and lavish us with His grace; and yes, PC did use my word this morning. (i smiled) as they prayed for me i just felt everything disappear. all of the sour emotions. the things that i held onto because i thought there was no way i could get rid of it. it felt like a wind was blowing everything clean inside of me.
i got this deep revelation today that God has already claimed me as His. i am clean & spotless in His sight because, to Him, i am covered in grace. i have been too overwhelmed in my own emotions that i have to stay as "strong" as possible as to not be caught off guard. ive had it all wrong. i have to be weak sometimes so that God can be strong in my life. ive heard that before but today it just rang something new inside of me.
so here i amazed @ the fact that i am lavished in His grace and that in my weakness He is made strong; stronger than i could have ever been on my own. thank you Jesus for holding me when i need it. thank you for embracing me and showing me new things when You know i need it! ;)
--> Kali
Thursday, April 29, 2010
that is the only word that can describe how i feel. i've felt for the past 2+ weeks now. it has a lot to do with my previous post. after i posted last, ive been more focused than ever on who my God is to me. in this past week i realized how peaceful it is to just sit back in the silence of His presence. God is just making Himself more visible to me and its in just the right way. He knows i need His embrace and recently that embrace has come in the midst of deep silence while resting in His presence.
im not one for silence. matter of fact, i cant stand it. im actually typing this blog right now with music on. i dont know why but it helps me to organize my thoughts. Monday morning in prayer the music turned off and everyone stopped praying. we all just sat there in pure silence. after a few minutes Tepy asked who disliked silence. i said "i did...until this morning."
im pretty sure that God is guiding me down this road where He just wants me to be silent. no noise. no talking. just listening. so this past week in prayer ive just been listening. i dont think ive ever pictured myself not singing a song that i know. its hard for me but when theres something else in your focus than just doesnt really matter.
less talking/noise & more listening/understanding.
i challenge you to try it! :)
im not one for silence. matter of fact, i cant stand it. im actually typing this blog right now with music on. i dont know why but it helps me to organize my thoughts. Monday morning in prayer the music turned off and everyone stopped praying. we all just sat there in pure silence. after a few minutes Tepy asked who disliked silence. i said "i did...until this morning."
im pretty sure that God is guiding me down this road where He just wants me to be silent. no noise. no talking. just listening. so this past week in prayer ive just been listening. i dont think ive ever pictured myself not singing a song that i know. its hard for me but when theres something else in your focus than just doesnt really matter.
less talking/noise & more listening/understanding.
i challenge you to try it! :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dearly Loved
it's more than just a's the truth. this past weekend i have felt the love of my God more than ever. we held the NNED youth convention @ C3 & it was amazing. Pastor Micheal Fernandez was the speaker & 11th hour led worship. even though i was helping out with either cameras or lighting during all the sessions i was still being engulfed in the Father's love.
i have this hunger inside of me that craves for more & more. i have been this way for quite some time now but ever since MC conference that hunger has just continued to grow. no matter how hard i pray or how loud i sing this hunger/thirst will not be quenched.
during convention i was seeing a lot of the teens receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and it delighted my heart. i remember when that happened to me and i wouldnt give it up for anything. at times i feel as though i have forgotten or lost the gift but i know its not true. He is never gonna leave me or forsake me. i know that for a fact!
last night @ Tehillah we had a time of reflection after Dave's message. i just sat there and well..."reflected." i just wanted to be embraced by my Father and sit at His feet while being wrapped in His arms. i walked over & sat behind Mrs. Tammy and just sat there with my head on her back. i peacefully sat there and i felt loved. i felt my Father wrap his arms around me and hold me tight. you see, its times like that when i just dont wanna let go. its times like that when alls i can do is sit back, let Him hold me, & let go.
i can let go of everything that is holding me back. the main thing: my emotions. i dont think i ever cry more than when He's got me safe in His arms. let alone when i know it! my prayer is that all of my days would be laced with His love. i dont want to spend any time at all outside of His reach. i want to continue to hunger/thirst for more & more of His love. i also want Him to continually hold me. oh how i long for His embrace.
--> craving more of Him<--
- "Dearly Loved" :Jimmy Needham
- "The More I Seek You" :Kari Jobe
- "Wrap Me In Your Arms" :Micheal Gungor Band
i have this hunger inside of me that craves for more & more. i have been this way for quite some time now but ever since MC conference that hunger has just continued to grow. no matter how hard i pray or how loud i sing this hunger/thirst will not be quenched.
during convention i was seeing a lot of the teens receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and it delighted my heart. i remember when that happened to me and i wouldnt give it up for anything. at times i feel as though i have forgotten or lost the gift but i know its not true. He is never gonna leave me or forsake me. i know that for a fact!
last night @ Tehillah we had a time of reflection after Dave's message. i just sat there and well..."reflected." i just wanted to be embraced by my Father and sit at His feet while being wrapped in His arms. i walked over & sat behind Mrs. Tammy and just sat there with my head on her back. i peacefully sat there and i felt loved. i felt my Father wrap his arms around me and hold me tight. you see, its times like that when i just dont wanna let go. its times like that when alls i can do is sit back, let Him hold me, & let go.
i can let go of everything that is holding me back. the main thing: my emotions. i dont think i ever cry more than when He's got me safe in His arms. let alone when i know it! my prayer is that all of my days would be laced with His love. i dont want to spend any time at all outside of His reach. i want to continue to hunger/thirst for more & more of His love. i also want Him to continually hold me. oh how i long for His embrace.
--> craving more of Him<--
- "Dearly Loved" :Jimmy Needham
- "The More I Seek You" :Kari Jobe
- "Wrap Me In Your Arms" :Micheal Gungor Band
Monday, March 22, 2010
quick update
this is just a blog to let you all know that i'm still alive! :) newsletters will be going out by the end of this week. I am sooo excited to tell you that i am going to Guatemala in May. My whole trip has been paid for but if you would like to support me in any way just let me know. Any extra money i receive will be going towards my masters commission tuition next year.
check out my facebook for more recent updates. and search for Kali Mock. if you have any questions please email me @
love yas,
check out my facebook for more recent updates. and search for Kali Mock. if you have any questions please email me @
love yas,
Friday, January 29, 2010
Catching Up
i guess i forgot! ;) lol
At the end of last months post i said that i would update you all; if i remembered...oops! i did forget & i'm sorry.
I'll take a few steps back so i can catch you all up. I flew down to PA for break instead of driving like i had originally mentioned. It is still so weird flying by myself & i've done it like 3 times now ;) Christmas break was fun. Seeing everybody was extremely awesome!! Some people didn't recognize me when i walked int
o the church for Christmas Eve service (Shmeil!) but that's cool i'll still love them forever!! I spent a few days, including New Years, with Tessha. We caught up & laughed for hours...omgsh it was sooo much like old times.
I got to hold my little nephew for the first time. He is so cute & he smiles & makes all kinds of faces when he sleeps. I baby sat a few times & got no sleep whatsoever. I will put some pictures at the bottom of the blog so you can get a glimpse. As far as Christmas day went, i got some great things. I got snow pants, sneakers, jeans, & a $25 Wal-Mart gift card. (yea baby!) Of course it didn't really feel like Christmas but i won't get into that right now...
I flew back to NH on the 2nd of January. Bundy & Stacie picked me up at Manchester, let's just say that the ride home was full of Facebook updates! :) LOL. It was so nice to be back. I went straight up to my room, got in some comfy clothes, & retreated to the living room w. my computer & new Tastykake mouse in order to wait for Shayna.
Since being back we started having "focuses." I am in youth which is absolutely amazing...i LOVE it! We have been remodeling some rooms in the church. We took the thrift store from downstairs & upstairs & put it into the fellowship hall. Before we moved everything in though, we painted the fellowship hall; it felt like record time. We then started working on cleaning out the old thrift store rooms in order to be used by youth & children. Downstairs now belongs to the youth & they have done an AMAZING job with it. At first, it was painted all black but now there's murals on the walls along with a lipstick red floor. The kids room is now a city with children & buildings painted on the walls & it is the coolest kids room ever! I will post pictures as soon as i get some.
We just finished working on those two rooms last week. We did not have sermons or scriptures last week & this week was newsletters so we have had some extra study time. That is absolutely okay because i had a chance to get ahead on some work. Yesterday was thursday & we had an immense amount of study time. I took advantage of the fact that i was ahead & pretty much gutted the drama closet. I took everything out, left the trash out, organized it, put the stuff back in & replaced our toilet.
I know, i know you're probably wondering why i had to replace a toilet. For some of the dramas that we do, we use a toilet that is attached to a wooden base. This toilet obviously is no longer in working order but it is a full toilet. Our "old" one was damaged during our Georgia trip & we've had this one since we started renovations but it hasn't been based yet. So, yesterday i took the old toilet off, cleaned the grease off of the nuts & bolts, cleaned the new toilet, & attached it to the base. In order to attach it properly i had to make a "ghetto" lift system. I didn't have any extra 2x4's laying around so i got two 10x10 cardboard boxes that were unopened & put the base w. the toilet on it atop the boxes. There was just enough room left under the base for me to put my arm so i could hold the nut while tightening the bolt at the same time! woot-woot!! ;) that made me so happy right there that i could do that.
After the closet was done there was still a little bit of time left for studying. One, the worship team, was finished practice so, Tepy, our assistant director, got all of us together & we started peeling off the colors from our church sign. We were inside so it wasn't cold but we were a little crowded in the hall. There were two signs (front & back) so we needed a few people to jump on board. It was pretty hard but we got A LOT done. We couldn't use anything but our fingernails because it would scratch the base. The whole thing was just clear plexi-glass & they are going to re-use it for our new sign. That was fun too especially when one of the students said, "alright, who asked God for a sign?" LOL omgsh i cracked up laughing for like 5 minutes!
I love working with my hands so yesterday was an enjoyable day for me. When we were done for the day, Elisa & Ally B. took me to Old Navy to do some shopping. They were having a mad sale, 50% off of clearance. I got a WARM vest, 2 nice T-shirts, 2 tank tops, & a dress shirt. After Old Navy we went to Market Basket to shop for the dorms. Elisa shops for the boys dorm & Ally B. shops for the girls dorm. By this time it was soooo cold & windy. I don't know how quick it happened but it was nice out in the afternoon. I mean the sun was out while it was snowing! :) (no, i didn't get any pictures)
This past sunday Jason Lee Jones came to our church. The service was amazing & totally more than what i had expected. That morning in prayer PC told us to have high expectations & i thought i did but what happened blew my expectations out of the water. God touched us on Sunday morning & He used Jason to speak into our lives. It was funny because something that he had said i had heard in the beginning of the year in a sermon but he put it into perspective for me. We wrote down the names of people that we are believing Salvation for. We prayed/roared over those names. I am totally lost for words to explain what the rest of the service entailed.
Since the beginning of the month we have been praying & fasting for our community. We are doing a 3 week deal the first week was a full fast & the last two weeks are giving up something of importance that God has showed you to lay down. I've never fasted before this but it has truly made my prayer life more in depth between me & God. Sunday is the last day but that doesn't mean we have to stop praying & fasting for what we are believing for.
Today is friday & we have a day off. Tomorrow we are going to Raymond to help out with their youth group again. I love being able to help them out & getting involved with their youth. One is leading worship , 2 of the first year girls are giving their testimonies, & PC is preaching off of Revelation 12:11.
Things have been going at a pretty calm pace but it will soon be picking up. The first years are going to Dallas, TX w. PC & Mrs. Patty, we have Day In The Life, we are going to Lincoln, ME, & up by Caribou, ME. We are going to TX for the Master's Commission Conference. It is the 25th anniversary of MC. I am so pumped because i wanted to go so bad & we just found out that we are!! We leave on the 7th of February & come back LATE on the 10th. Day in the Life is the weekend after we come back from Dallas. Then the week after that we are traveling around Maine. :) I am excited to get back on the road!...After GA that's all i wanted to do but there was other stuff that had to be done.
Oh i forgot to mention WarCry. That was a youth leadership & student leader leadership summit. It was very enlightening on the some ways to get through to the youth about how important their unsaved friends are & aspects of teamwork that everyone can enjoy. The speaker is a youth specialist at Southwestern A/G University (SAGU). On the first night i learned that he is originally from Kennett Square, PA & he knows what Tastykakes are!! I was thrilled because i lived in Kennett when i was little & nobody in New England knows what Tastykakes are...they are slowly getting acquainted- believe you me!
Anyway, I will not go any longer because this blog is already HUGE! Again, i will try to update more often but i can't promise that i will remember.
Leave a comment or email me with any questions or comments! :)
Love yas, Kali <3

At the end of last months post i said that i would update you all; if i remembered...oops! i did forget & i'm sorry.
I'll take a few steps back so i can catch you all up. I flew down to PA for break instead of driving like i had originally mentioned. It is still so weird flying by myself & i've done it like 3 times now ;) Christmas break was fun. Seeing everybody was extremely awesome!! Some people didn't recognize me when i walked int
o the church for Christmas Eve service (Shmeil!) but that's cool i'll still love them forever!! I spent a few days, including New Years, with Tessha. We caught up & laughed for hours...omgsh it was sooo much like old times.
I got to hold my little nephew for the first time. He is so cute & he smiles & makes all kinds of faces when he sleeps. I baby sat a few times & got no sleep whatsoever. I will put some pictures at the bottom of the blog so you can get a glimpse. As far as Christmas day went, i got some great things. I got snow pants, sneakers, jeans, & a $25 Wal-Mart gift card. (yea baby!) Of course it didn't really feel like Christmas but i won't get into that right now...
I flew back to NH on the 2nd of January. Bundy & Stacie picked me up at Manchester, let's just say that the ride home was full of Facebook updates! :) LOL. It was so nice to be back. I went straight up to my room, got in some comfy clothes, & retreated to the living room w. my computer & new Tastykake mouse in order to wait for Shayna.
Since being back we started having "focuses." I am in youth which is absolutely amazing...i LOVE it! We have been remodeling some rooms in the church. We took the thrift store from downstairs & upstairs & put it into the fellowship hall. Before we moved everything in though, we painted the fellowship hall; it felt like record time. We then started working on cleaning out the old thrift store rooms in order to be used by youth & children. Downstairs now belongs to the youth & they have done an AMAZING job with it. At first, it was painted all black but now there's murals on the walls along with a lipstick red floor. The kids room is now a city with children & buildings painted on the walls & it is the coolest kids room ever! I will post pictures as soon as i get some.
We just finished working on those two rooms last week. We did not have sermons or scriptures last week & this week was newsletters so we have had some extra study time. That is absolutely okay because i had a chance to get ahead on some work. Yesterday was thursday & we had an immense amount of study time. I took advantage of the fact that i was ahead & pretty much gutted the drama closet. I took everything out, left the trash out, organized it, put the stuff back in & replaced our toilet.
I know, i know you're probably wondering why i had to replace a toilet. For some of the dramas that we do, we use a toilet that is attached to a wooden base. This toilet obviously is no longer in working order but it is a full toilet. Our "old" one was damaged during our Georgia trip & we've had this one since we started renovations but it hasn't been based yet. So, yesterday i took the old toilet off, cleaned the grease off of the nuts & bolts, cleaned the new toilet, & attached it to the base. In order to attach it properly i had to make a "ghetto" lift system. I didn't have any extra 2x4's laying around so i got two 10x10 cardboard boxes that were unopened & put the base w. the toilet on it atop the boxes. There was just enough room left under the base for me to put my arm so i could hold the nut while tightening the bolt at the same time! woot-woot!! ;) that made me so happy right there that i could do that.
After the closet was done there was still a little bit of time left for studying. One, the worship team, was finished practice so, Tepy, our assistant director, got all of us together & we started peeling off the colors from our church sign. We were inside so it wasn't cold but we were a little crowded in the hall. There were two signs (front & back) so we needed a few people to jump on board. It was pretty hard but we got A LOT done. We couldn't use anything but our fingernails because it would scratch the base. The whole thing was just clear plexi-glass & they are going to re-use it for our new sign. That was fun too especially when one of the students said, "alright, who asked God for a sign?" LOL omgsh i cracked up laughing for like 5 minutes!
I love working with my hands so yesterday was an enjoyable day for me. When we were done for the day, Elisa & Ally B. took me to Old Navy to do some shopping. They were having a mad sale, 50% off of clearance. I got a WARM vest, 2 nice T-shirts, 2 tank tops, & a dress shirt. After Old Navy we went to Market Basket to shop for the dorms. Elisa shops for the boys dorm & Ally B. shops for the girls dorm. By this time it was soooo cold & windy. I don't know how quick it happened but it was nice out in the afternoon. I mean the sun was out while it was snowing! :) (no, i didn't get any pictures)
This past sunday Jason Lee Jones came to our church. The service was amazing & totally more than what i had expected. That morning in prayer PC told us to have high expectations & i thought i did but what happened blew my expectations out of the water. God touched us on Sunday morning & He used Jason to speak into our lives. It was funny because something that he had said i had heard in the beginning of the year in a sermon but he put it into perspective for me. We wrote down the names of people that we are believing Salvation for. We prayed/roared over those names. I am totally lost for words to explain what the rest of the service entailed.
Since the beginning of the month we have been praying & fasting for our community. We are doing a 3 week deal the first week was a full fast & the last two weeks are giving up something of importance that God has showed you to lay down. I've never fasted before this but it has truly made my prayer life more in depth between me & God. Sunday is the last day but that doesn't mean we have to stop praying & fasting for what we are believing for.
Today is friday & we have a day off. Tomorrow we are going to Raymond to help out with their youth group again. I love being able to help them out & getting involved with their youth. One is leading worship , 2 of the first year girls are giving their testimonies, & PC is preaching off of Revelation 12:11.
Things have been going at a pretty calm pace but it will soon be picking up. The first years are going to Dallas, TX w. PC & Mrs. Patty, we have Day In The Life, we are going to Lincoln, ME, & up by Caribou, ME. We are going to TX for the Master's Commission Conference. It is the 25th anniversary of MC. I am so pumped because i wanted to go so bad & we just found out that we are!! We leave on the 7th of February & come back LATE on the 10th. Day in the Life is the weekend after we come back from Dallas. Then the week after that we are traveling around Maine. :) I am excited to get back on the road!...After GA that's all i wanted to do but there was other stuff that had to be done.
Oh i forgot to mention WarCry. That was a youth leadership & student leader leadership summit. It was very enlightening on the some ways to get through to the youth about how important their unsaved friends are & aspects of teamwork that everyone can enjoy. The speaker is a youth specialist at Southwestern A/G University (SAGU). On the first night i learned that he is originally from Kennett Square, PA & he knows what Tastykakes are!! I was thrilled because i lived in Kennett when i was little & nobody in New England knows what Tastykakes are...they are slowly getting acquainted- believe you me!
Anyway, I will not go any longer because this blog is already HUGE! Again, i will try to update more often but i can't promise that i will remember.
Leave a comment or email me with any questions or comments! :)
Love yas, Kali <3

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