today is the 70th birthday of the greatest guy i have ever met in my whole life. i know, i know...you're probably saying right now; "what does she know, she's only 18!" well, the truth is that i may know more about what i'm saying than anyone else. this man truly is the greatest guy i have ever met and will ever meet. he's my Poppy/Poop-Poop/Pop. no man can ever measure up to my standards if i were to base them solely on my grandfather.
you see, i love him and i will always love him; no matter how far down the road i go. of course its gonna be hard but im gonna make it. i know it may sound so weird coming from me because he was 'only' my grandfather but that is the farthest thing from the truth. he raised me up to be the woman i am today. everything i do, i know how to do it because he showed me how. those dayz of me asking him questions are over and now all's i have are pictures and memories which i pray will never leave me.
im writing this right now because im just so overwhelmed. for about the past week and a half ive been thinking about how id react to this day. ive kinda been dreading its arrival. if i was back in PA, id be waiting up til midnight with my mom and probably getting ready to go to his grave site. or...if he was still alive, no matter where i was, id be waiting up til midnight to pick up the phone and call him as soon as those hands on the clock came together. so now, im writing this @ 1116p; just waiting til midnight. i can't call him or go see him when i want but i sure can wish i could!
theres so many things that have happened so far this year that he's missed and i just wish i could pick up the phone like i used to and call him to tell him or just call him when i was feeling lonely...heck, i would just call him to hear the sound of his voice.
ok...im done because im crying way too much to keep telling it like it is. like i said, im writing this @ 1122p on 7/30 but it won't be posted until 12a on Friday July 31st, 2009.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
New Look!
ok so i thought it was about time for a new look. i tried to find a purple layout but all of the purple layouts had black backgrounds and light writing (not so good for the eyes). so, i ended up on orange. I also edited the background for my playlist so it would match the layout! on my playlist there is about 10-15 new songs that i have been listening to a lot lately. i will start the song of the week/month again soon. the songs that i feature will be on the playlist. to look through all of the songs on the list, you have to scroll right with the bottom scroll bar and use the playlist scroll bar to search. check it out...its awesome!! ;)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
'A More Beautiful You'
this is a song & video by a Christian recording artist. His name is Jonny Diaz (pronounced die-az). His brother plays for the Atlanta Braves. Jonny was on his way to a baseball career until God showed him his greater talent; the guitar!
Summary: This song tells a story of a little girl who wants to look like a magazine model. What she doesn't realize is that the models inside that magazine aren't all what they're cracked up to be. In the middle of the video it shows the photo editing process. I knew it happened but in this video it just really shows how everything isn't what its cracked up to be. The 2nd verse of the song is speaking to a 21-year old. It's saying that she's been through things that made her who she's become today and that she doesn't have to live that way anymore.
Check it out and pass it on if you know somebody who may need it. ITS GOOD! ;)
p.s.: im back in NH and have been here since monday night @ about 10p. its been rainy here but other than that im soo glad to be home. MC starts on August 29th! thats exactly 1 month and 5 days from right now :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
what's new?!
well...i'm still in PA. I'm planning on returning to NH by Monday. Little Nathan has come thru surgery and there are full updates @ his mommy's blog (www.redcupcentral.blogspot.com)
i got contacts on tuesday!! its soo awesome to be able to see without having glasses on! :) i went shopping yesterday and picked up some safety shirts and some cute clothes for when i start Master's in the fall. well, not really the fall. my orientation is August 29th...that is exactly 1 month and 1 day from right now!!! im soooo excited, i cant wait.
my Gram's funeral was last friday morning @ 11am. it was weird to see some people because for the last 6 months it seems that we only would see each other @ a funeral. first my grandfather's in january and now my grandmother's in july. ironically enough, they both died on the same day and their funeral was on the same day; the 5th and 10th. {freaky huh?!}
being in PA this time hasn't been as crazy as last time because i know when im going home. i miss all of my friends back in NH but this time we've been texting a lot more. last time i would text but they wouldnt get it...i found out later it was user error! ;)
upon my return to NH i will be bringing with me the rest of my belongings along with an inherited doll and a bunch of beanie babies. all of which i have gotten from my Gram. i miss her soo much and for the past 6 months i have been waiting for the day to come but i never thought it would. its just sooo hard for me because im still grieving over my Pop's death and now theyre both gone. the two staples in my family and now theyre gone. it's rough but Jesus is my rock and will continue to be through everything.
i wanna thank everyone who has helped support me through these tough times. i REALLY can't express enough gratitude to truly portray how i feel. THANK YOU!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Vacation Buddies & So Much More

^Gram w. 3 oldest granddaughters^
yes, we were not only vacation buddies but we were family. 2 weeks every summer was spent enjoying the sun together. Whether we were in Chincoteague, VA, Centreville, MD, or Pigeon Forge, TN...we were together.
this person was my grandmother. like my grandfather; she was one of the bestest friends i could have ever had. I would call her every weekend just to catch up and see how she was doing. I would see her on every major holiday and for 2 weeks every summer. most times we didnt go anywhere special we just hung out. i would help her do tasks at work like vacuuming the sanctuary, folding bulletins, cleaning bathrooms, stuffing envelopes or bulletins and just being with her.
on July 5th she passed away. the last time i spoke with her or saw her was on June 20th. she was sick and she fought the best she could. my mom, sisters, and i all went down to her home in MD to see her and show her my diploma and some pictures from my graduation. she was tired yet, she asked us to stay. so, we did and gave her a hug and kiss the next day before we left.
i continued to call and speak to my aunt (Gram's sister) just to see if anything had changed; nothing ever did. she slept a lot and her body was getting tired. we knew the day would eventually come but its still so hard to accept. i mean, in 6 months i go from having both grandparents then just one and now none. it all just happens so fast that no one person can ever be fully prepared.

^Gram & I: October 1990^
on thursday july 9th, i will be going back down to PA for another week. i will arrive at my destination EARLY friday morning. im unsure of the definite service times but i do know that i will definitely be there. Gram, Grammy, Aunt Pat...every name that she had; fit! i love her and will always miss my Grammy!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
what i didnt post last night...
last night when i was writing the other blog i had some things on my heart to share but wasn't quite ready to share. this morning i woke up and HAD to blog about it.
last night was youth group. i havent been there in 2 weeks and i was oober excited to get back and see some of my friends. i even surprised somebody who i was texting the night i landed ;) she was totally surprised! anywayz, i love youth group. i know, i know...im 18 and starting a higher education in the fall but i've still got a young soul and a heart for teens.
youth group itself starts at 630p but most teens show up before that and hang out in the teen center. well we started with worship that lasted about 35 minutes but it REALLY lasted til 930p. needless to say, God showed up! Danielle was going to share a message but God had His own plans and decided to take over.
we were just praying and loving on Him and then he came and wrapped His arms around us. i stepped out to speak w. a friend and then came back and sat towards the back and just got ensumed by His presence. that was 8p so from 8p to 930p i was praying for/with other girls and just worshipping God.
i must say, feeling that warm embrace and peace of His love is just amazing. i long for that everyday and i have to remember that i have to seek His face and stay in His word each day for that. its just soo amazing that words can't really explain the way it feels. oh how much i LOVE Jesus!!! below is a video that i watched yesterday morning. going into youth group i was praying that we would see more and more of Jesus in the mirror every morning instead of ourselves...check it out.
have a good rest of the week people. today's thursday and saturday's the 4th!! woot-woot ;)
much love,
last night was youth group. i havent been there in 2 weeks and i was oober excited to get back and see some of my friends. i even surprised somebody who i was texting the night i landed ;) she was totally surprised! anywayz, i love youth group. i know, i know...im 18 and starting a higher education in the fall but i've still got a young soul and a heart for teens.
youth group itself starts at 630p but most teens show up before that and hang out in the teen center. well we started with worship that lasted about 35 minutes but it REALLY lasted til 930p. needless to say, God showed up! Danielle was going to share a message but God had His own plans and decided to take over.
we were just praying and loving on Him and then he came and wrapped His arms around us. i stepped out to speak w. a friend and then came back and sat towards the back and just got ensumed by His presence. that was 8p so from 8p to 930p i was praying for/with other girls and just worshipping God.
i must say, feeling that warm embrace and peace of His love is just amazing. i long for that everyday and i have to remember that i have to seek His face and stay in His word each day for that. its just soo amazing that words can't really explain the way it feels. oh how much i LOVE Jesus!!! below is a video that i watched yesterday morning. going into youth group i was praying that we would see more and more of Jesus in the mirror every morning instead of ourselves...check it out.
have a good rest of the week people. today's thursday and saturday's the 4th!! woot-woot ;)
much love,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
this is just a quick update because i know i havent blogged in a while. im in NH and have my orientation on August 29th for New England Masters Commission. I still have no job but i still REALLY want one.
I just spent the last 2 weeks in PA. what a trip that was!! i was soo happy because i got to see all of my friends. ok well almost all of them. 1 of them was down in OCNJ. i got to see my grandmom for a little bit and show her my graduation pictures and diploma. i was happy about that.
i will put some pix w. captions on the bottom of this blog from my graduation ceremony. the tagging goes from left to right. i gtg 2 bed but i thank you for reading. as of friday i will no longer have a facebook so please email/call/comment me and i will get back to you! :)

>Lexii, Jacqi, Me, Mom^
^Tepy, Ally-B, Elisa, Me,^
^Stacie, Edgar, Kayla^

I just spent the last 2 weeks in PA. what a trip that was!! i was soo happy because i got to see all of my friends. ok well almost all of them. 1 of them was down in OCNJ. i got to see my grandmom for a little bit and show her my graduation pictures and diploma. i was happy about that.
i will put some pix w. captions on the bottom of this blog from my graduation ceremony. the tagging goes from left to right. i gtg 2 bed but i thank you for reading. as of friday i will no longer have a facebook so please email/call/comment me and i will get back to you! :)
>Lexii, Jacqi, Me, Mom^
^Tepy, Ally-B, Elisa, Me,^
^Stacie, Edgar, Kayla^
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