Friday, February 15, 2013

Remember When....?!?!

im not to sure about you but i know that i have a hard time forgetting things. you might ask why that is such a bad thing. & i would not necessarily deem it a "bad" thing. ive just been thinking a lot lately about what i DO remember. its a lot! some of the things i remember i would rather not. its the memories that dont sit well with me. i know everyone has those. the memories that we wished never crept into our mind to begin with.

last night i was texting with a friend of mine and i was totally lost in the fact that those memories still exist. i thought i would forget by now....or at least i would have hoped so. i asked him if "there was ever going to be a time where i would forget." he responded with a reminder that i too often forget. "theyre there to remind us"

i was confused at this point a little bit. this was the whole point of my frustration/annoyance. i didnt want to be reminded....hellloooo!!!!! he explained a little -- "i mean what He brought you through" ok. now it makes more sense right. who was i to be so selfish. here i am being so caught up in my annoyance/frustration that i overlooked the very point. all those memories, whether they are looked upon as positive or negative, are still there for a purpose. a specific reason. a lesson perhaps to override our current state of living.

personally (afterall this blog is all about how i see things, right?), i would just like to keep all of the positive memories. the ones filled with laughter & joy & happiness & laughs. but then again, would that stretch me? would those memories help me see the grace on my life? would those memories lead me back to Jesus every time? i dont really know.

      learning to embrace the memories & remembering when......

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