Saturday, February 4, 2012

in search of the perfect flats

ok. some of you may or may not understand what im about to tell you...especially if you know me at all! lol!! for the past week ive been searching for the perfect pair of flats. not just any pair of flats but the perfect pair! ive been on almost every shoe website known to the US! LOL! anyways, my problem came when stores dont carry over a size 9. yes, i am a size 11! so tonight...i was on my last leg. i couldnt stand the wait anymore. i was about to cave in on a pair of flats that i didnt really like but just thought that i wouldnt find anything better. (i was on a budget too!)

so tonight. i discovered that i missed a website.!! :) Deb's became my favorite store last summer and i totally forgot about it. so tonight i found 3 pairs of flats...THE PERFECT ONES!! pair...they were sold out of my size. im down to 2 pairs! :D below are the links...if you dont mind...please check them out && let me know which ones you think would go best with everything that i own. if you dont know me that well...its okay because chances are, you know enough to make an educated guess! :D



Thank you!!,
Kali L. Mock. <3

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