Saturday, April 16, 2011

Youth Convention 2011

ive been asked a few times this weekend what my favorite part of youth convention was. my question following that question is; do i have to have one? so many things happened and youth convention, for me, is always a blast! but this year...

i got to do the best job EVER! (stage camera) i explained it this way to someone - i got to see things that other people couldn't. God used that little video camera to show me exactly what He loves. it was beautiful...& so indescribable. i got to see hundreds of teens and leaders be hit by the power of God and i got to see some students realize for the first time that even though their earthly father didn't exist, they had a heavenly father that wanted to give them EVERYTHING! the reason my job was the best ever is because i got to attempt to show everyone else what i was seeing. i got to catch it all through a lense to be projected onto a massive screen for all to see.

it wasnt easy and not all of what i saw did everyone else see but the things that i saw will forever be remembered. i mean, its not every day that you get to talk about being paid in mints and watching as teens receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit all in one night. (not at the same time i might add)

i was asked by someone if i was still blogging. that was a loaded question. i still blog. just not as much as i would like to. i journal ALL the time and post most of what i write on facebook. blogging just isnt a top priority...i mean, why would it be when i can update my facebook status by text message and say what i need to at any time instead of having to wait to write it all out. but then again, isnt that the point. for it all to be written out for others to understand?!

im going to try to stay on top of things. its april already....lets start there! ;D

ponder on this for a minute: God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac -> God asked him to give up what he was promised. would you do it? not only would you do it but would you do it without arguing? Abraham did. he went all the way to the point of putting Isaac on the alter when God made a ram appear. God knew what He was doing....oh, and He still does!

until next time,

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