^my shoes @ the beach...i went in the water!^
Okay so it's pretty apparent from the title that i'm not involved in my usual day to day routines. Actually, im not even in my usual day to day environment! I'm in New Hampshire & i've been here since Monday, 3/22. It was a spur of the moment thing for me to come up here. Todd & Tammi were leaving & Christina asked if they were taking me w. them. The next thing i knew, i was packed for 2 weeks & heading North on 95!!
The ride took us through New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, & then finally New Hampshire. We went in such a way that the scenery was soooo beautiful!! I actually got slept in the car! We left PA @ about 1p & got to NH @ about 1030p. It took us longer than expected but we got here; safe & sound.
^Sunset in Connecticut^
Tuesday i woke up @ the normal time but i didn't start school until 8a. You see, that's the plus side of being home schooled; you can do it anywhere!! ;) I spent the rest of the day catching up on school from Monday & relaxing. We had Chinese food for dinner! ;)
Wednesday i woke up & started school @ about 8a & was done by 2p. It was so nice to be caught up! For the rest of Wednesday I sat w. Tammi & me watched all of the shows that had been recorded while she was in PA. Corned beef & cabbage is what we had for dinner...omgsh it was sooo good!!
Thursday Tammi & I went out and she showed me the beach. It was only 10-15 minutes away! After taking some pictures and a little video, we came back to the apartment. The apartment is a cozy little place. The building where the apartments are used to be an old button factory. School on Thursday was 8a to about 1130a. It was an easy day. After we got back from the beach, i built a roller coaster for my science class.
^Beach @ the Hamptons^
Friday was a quick & easy day for me. My classes were easy & i was done by about noon. I walked to the store & then went to a place that makes messenger bags! If you know me than you definitely know that i am a bag feign...soooo, i walked into this store & they make the bags however you want. There's only one catch; the cheapest bag is $119!!
Saturday was a fun day!! We went to Lake Winnipesaukee. We thought that the movie "What About Bob?" was filmed there. I took some good pictures of the lake & some of the city as well. The city's name is Wolfeboro & it's this cute little private town. Todd, Tammi & i ate at a small diner type thing. You ordered @ the counter & then they called your name when your order was up. That's awesome...i love stuff like that!!
^1/100th of Lake Winnipesaukee!^
After we left the lake, we went to the beach again but it was REALLY foggy! You would never guess what beach it was...it was the Hamptons!!! I was in the Hamptons!!! ha ha ha i know, im overly excited right? Well, you think that's bad, you should get a load of this! In Portsmouth, there are crosswalks, like in every other city, but at these crosswalks, the cars actually stop for you!! I know, i know...it sounds a little to lame to get excited about but when you walk to work almost everyday & have to wait for no more cars its pretty awesome.
Yesterday was Sunday & a calm quiet day of relaxation. Heck, all week has been time of quiet & relaxation!! Anywayz, Todd & i went to the local A/G church; Bethal A/G. There is a Master's Commission @ the church as well. I have known about it for a little bit but haven't taken any steps to make contact. Well, Todd gave the pastor a card with his email on it & asked him to give that to the director. I was excited to see what would become of that. We went to the store & then came back to the apartment to chill. We all watched "50 First Dates" & then had "Taco Pizza" for dinner. I'll let your imaginations roam on the pizza...it's a secret!! (sssshhhhh)
This morning i woke up EARLY!! I went to bed @ 12a because i watched "Facing The Giants." I woke up @ about 615ish. I've been up all day. So, now it's time for a happy moment!! Today i got an email from someone in the support staff @ the master's commission from the church, it's called Seacoast Master's Commission. She asked me for my phone number so she could call me & we could talk. I got nervous because i'm not a big phone talker. About 5 minutes after i sent the email my phone rang! We chatted for about 15 minutes & she invited me to a young adult service tonight so i could interact with some of the MC family.
Needless to say peoples; i'm extra EXCITED!! I'm excited & nervous. I feel like a giddy little child. But, hey, it's worth it right?!? So anyway, i have to go get ready i have to be there by 730p and it's 630p now. Much love to my blog readers & i will try to keep you posted on how the rest of the week is goin and also to come is a little bit about something called Pray21. Good stuff! Good stuff! peace out cub scouts!!